美国祛痘药妆品牌对祛痘治疗的介绍 2_36843.doc

美国祛痘药妆品牌对祛痘治疗的介绍 2_36843.doc

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美国祛痘药妆品牌对祛痘治疗的介绍 2_36843

美国药妆品牌-伊美莱对目前各种祛痘治疗方法的介绍 资料来源:伊美莱官方网站: 治疗青春痘的七个小秘密——适合大多数青春痘肌肤的七个小窍门 7 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Acne TreatmentAAD Professional Education and Resources 你知道吗?青春痘不可能在一夜之间就治好的。平均至少6~8周才能看到治疗的效果。因此,不要在刚刚才开始见效就放弃或者停止治疗。 Did You Know? Acne does not clear overnight. On average, 6 to 8 weeks are needed to see initial results. Dont give up on a therapy before then. 良好的护肤习惯在青春痘(痤疮、粉刺)的治疗中起着重要的作用,如果医生没有特别建议,应按照下列指南进行护理。 Good skin care plays an important role in treating acne. Following these skin care guidelines—unless your dermatologist instructs otherwise—can help improve treatment results: 1. 不要挤压、挑破青春痘。 Do NOT pop, squeeze or pick at acne. 挤压或针刺会让青春痘恶化并引发炎症。在治疗过程中有时需要将痘痘去除,但这个过程必须由有经验的专业医师才操作。 This can make acne worse by spreading inflammation. With medical treatment, removing lesions is rarely necessary; however, when comedo removal is needed, it should be performed by an experienced healthcare professional. 2. 使用温和的清洁剂每天洗脸两次,然后用纸巾或毛巾轻轻拍干。 Gently wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser and pat dry. 青春痘并非由不良卫生习惯而导致,过度的清洁和擦洗并不能把皮肤洗的很干净。事实上,擦洗会刺激皮肤病导致青春痘加重。祛痘的最好方法是使用适当的祛痘祛粉刺护肤品,并做好日常皮肤护理。 Acne is not caused by poor hygiene, and vigorous washing and scrubbing will not clear your skin. In fact, all that scrubbing can irritate your skin and make acne worse. The way to clear acne is with appropriate acne products and good skin care. 3. 要使用“不会引起青春痘”(即不会堵塞毛孔)的化妆品。 Use noncomedogenic (does not clog pores) cosmetics and toiletries. 在购买化妆品或其他准备用在皮肤上、头发上的产品时,一定要确保产品不会引起青春痘(粉刺)。 When buying cosmetics and other products that you will use on your skin or hair, be sure to look for ones labeled noncomedogenic. Makeup, sunscreen and toiletries that are not likely to cause acne state that they are noncomedogenic on the product. 4. 不要激惹青春痘。 Avoid aggravating your acne. 油性的头发,与皮肤起摩擦的运动器材,这些都可能刺激青春痘并引起痘痘发炎、加重。要尽量避免这样的情况出现:油性的头发不要遮挡在脸上,不要使用油性的护发产品如护发油和护发胶,穿戴棉质衣服避免皮肤与运动器材直接接触。 Oily hair, sporting equipment that rubs against your skin and airborne grease—all


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