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论收益法在企业价值评估中的应用 中文摘要:企业价值评估是一项前瞻性工作,必须考虑并处理大量的变量,这些变量在很大程度上决定着企业的发展方向。收益法是企业价值评估中一个很好的选择,收益法中科学、客观的选择方法将使收益法评估结果的准确性,并使收益法从实践上更具可操作性、实用性。我国的企业价值评估与实物资产评估是同步开始的,但采用的方法则是借鉴实物资产评估通用的方法即成本法,而不是采用国际通用的收益法。收益法是在国外得到广泛接受并被大量应用的资产评估方法。2004年12月30日《企业价值评估指导意见》正式发布,针对近年来收益法在评估实践中存在的一些问题,予以了正面引导,指出评估行业和社会各界不应当因为收益法在应用过程中存在问题就简单地否定或回避,而应当在充分肯定收益法能够有效反映企业整体获利能力的基础上,加大对收益法运用的规范。收益法是资产评估中最基本的一种方法,本文对资本价值理论及其价值论基础——效用论、边际效用论以及理论应用(收益法)进行全面的研究。而收益法在企业整体资产评估中的应用研究是当前评估行业发展过程中的一项重大课题。收益法是一种相对科学的整体资产评估首选方法的基础上,针对我国整体资产评估的现状及存在的问题,就收益法的改进和应用提出了自己的观点。 关键词:收益法 企业价值评估 收益额 Abstract:Enterprise value appraisal is a prospective work, must consider and deal with a lot of variables, these variables largely decide the enterprises development direction. Income method is the enterprise value evaluation of a very good choice, income method in the scientific, objective selection method will enable income method, and the accuracy of the evaluation results from practice that income method more operational sex, practical. Chinas enterprise value appraisal and physical assets evaluation is synchronous started, but the method is the physical assets assessment from general method, rather than that cost method adopts internationally income method. Income method is widely accepted and abroad by the asset evaluation method of application. Dec. 30, 2004, the enterprise value appraisal guiding opinions, according to the official launch of recent years in evaluating income method in practice, there exist some problems, and points out that the positive guide shall evaluate industry and the community should not because income method in the application process problems simply deny or avoidance, but should be in full affirmation income method can effectively reflect enterprises on the basis of overall profitability, to increase income method using standard. Income method is the most basic asset appraisal of a kind of method, this paper on capital value theory and its theory foundation, utility theory, the theory of


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