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兰州商学院 论文 题目:朱元璋的政治统治 院校:商务传媒学院 专业:汉语言文学 班级:10级汉语言文学班 学生:党鱼德 日期:2010 年12月05日 一朱元璋的发迹和建立崭新的大明王朝 5 1朱元璋的发迹 5 2朱元璋的战略进攻和大明王朝的建立 6 二政治统治的开始之官职的设立,更换以及对官员的监督 8 1官职的设立 8 2针对旧的相权和军权制度的更换 9 3正常的检察制度和神鬼莫测的幕后监督 10 (1) 严密的监察机构 10 (2)神鬼莫测的幕后监督 11 三完整的律法制定和残酷的惩罚措施 11 1真正的律法制定 11 总结 13 参考文献 13 正文 朱元璋的政治统治之道 摘要: 在中国历代开国之君中,朱元璋是位最具传奇色彩的人物。他本是布衣出生,家庭贫穷且多兄弟姐妹,青年时因为社会动荡,民不聊生,不得已剃发为僧。元末,社会大乱,群豪并起,他为了“保全”自己,参加红巾军起义,然后在十余年时间里,赶跑元顺帝,扫清群雄割据,成就了一代帝王之业,创建了大明王朝。朱元璋文化程度为半文盲,年幼时未接受教育,唯一的文化活动就是听村里的说书先生说的有关皇帝征战疆场,扫清障碍,建立王朝的故事。 青年的朱元璋经历了社会动荡,看到了很多的腐败和大量的农民因此失去土地,生活贫穷且充满着对现实的无奈。因此他参加起义,打倒腐败,建立崭新的明朝。这篇论文对这位布衣皇帝的统治下的在政治、经济、军事、思想等方面政治、经济、军事、思想Abstract: in the Chinese imperial founding jun, zhu yuanzhang is the most iconic figure. He should be born, family poor cloth with many brothers and sisters, youth because social unrest forced shaven, in any case, a monk. The end of the yuan, social chaos, group of hao and since, he in order to save themselves, in the red army revolted and then in fabric for more than ten years time, drive away the yuan, clearing the emperor shun ieyasu regime, achievement the generation of imperial karma, created large Ming dynasty. Zhu yuanzhang cultural degree for semiliterate, when he was in childhood education, the only did not accept the cultural activities are listening to the village storytellers Mr Said about the emperor for JiangChang obstacles, establish dynasty story. Youth of zhu yuanzhang experienced social unrest, saw many of corruption and a large number of farmers lose their land, poor and full of reality helpless. So he in the uprising, overthrow the corruption, create a new, of the Ming dynasty. This essay to this common under the rule of the emperor in politics, economy, military, thoughts etc are profound analysis, so that you have a rule of zhu yuanzhangs more deeply. Keywords: rule of politics, economy, military, ideology and culture 一朱元璋的发迹和建立崭新的大明王朝 1朱元璋的发迹 1328年生于濠州县(今安徽中部凤阳县的钟离村,他的幼年非常困苦。他的父母和祖父母都是拖欠


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