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论沈家本与清末法律改革 学生:苏秀杰 指导教师:袁钰 【内容提要】 清末修律是清朝为了挽救统治危机而被迫实行的变法新政中的组成部分,也是爱国开明官僚收回治外法权的努力尝试。作为主要修律大臣的沈家本是清末法律改革中的灵魂人物。通过其主持的修律活动,结束了绵延数千年的中华法系,开始了中国法律现代化的征程。本文阐析了清末法律改革及其主持者——沈家本化合中西,融会贯通的法学思想,也从历史的视角,突出了一个没落王朝的官僚沈家本对中国传统法律的痴迷和对西方法律的误读,并因此而为中华法律现代化的艰难之路埋下伏笔,最终整合出以沈家本为主线的晚清法律改革图景,还原沈家本一代法学宗师的本来面目。 【关键词】 法律改革 法律文化 沈家本 Abstract: It is a component in the constitutional reform new policies forced to implement in order to save the crisis of ruling in Qing Dynasty to repair law in the latter stage of Qing Dynasty, it is a diligent try that the patriotic enlightened bureaucrat regained the extraterritoriality too. Soul personages in the legal reform in the latter stage of Qing Dynasty as repairing the Shen s of the law ministers mainly. Build law activity through preside over it, is it extend Chinese law department for one year to finish, have begun the journey with modernized Chinese law. This text has explained and analysed legal reform and persons who presided over in the latter stage of Qing Dynasty --This chemical combination midwest of the Shen s, the law science thought of gaining thorough understanding through comprehensive study of the subject, the visual angle from history too, stress one declining bureaucrat each Shen of imperial court traditional law infatuated and to to read by mistake western law to China, and bury hint foreshadowing for the difficult way where the Chinese law is modernized , is it appear taking the Shen s as the thread late Qing law reform view to combine finally, reduce a generation of law science masterses Shens true colours. Key words: The law reforming ,Legal culture ,The Shen s 以两次鸦片战争为始的列强争霸史,在腐朽清廷的软弱妥协下愈演愈烈。社会关系急剧的变化,要求它的调整工具---法律,无论从调整方式还是调整范围上,都要做相应的变革。然而,封建专制主义及其维护的社会秩序是清统治的根本利益所在。清廷此时非但不反思以变求生,反而一次又一次血腥镇压大众救亡图存的民主运动,直到二十世纪初,清廷仍抱残守缺,苟延残喘,八国联军入京将顽固腐朽的那拉氏的永世皇朝梦炸了个粉碎,西方列强则开始明目张胆的清除横亘于中西之间的政治障碍。迫于时局激变,清政府被迫于1901年下诏变法,准备推行新政。自此,清廷才铁下心来修订法律,便听取了张之洞等人的建议,从山西按察使,刑部左侍郎位上擢升沈家本与伍廷芳同为修律大臣。后来由于行政调动,伍廷芳不久就离任。因此,沈家本就成为修订清律的主要人物。 一、受任于危难之际的沈家本的法律思想


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