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第一课 II. Translate the terms. ? ? 1. credit union  参考答案 ? 信用协会 2. savings account:  参考答案 储蓄账户 3. portfolio:  参考答案 资产组合 4. mortgage:  参考答案 不动产抵押贷款 5. ATM:  参考答案 自动提款机 6. debt consolidation:  参考答案 债务重整 7. 支票账户:  参考答案 checking account 8. 存款:  参考答案 deposit (savings) 9. 资产:  参考答案 asset 10. 信用卡:  参考答案 credit card III.Translate the following sentences into English: ? ? 1. 金融中介使小额储户和借款人能得益于金融市场的存在,因此提高了经济效率。 参考答案 ? Financial intermediaries allow small savers and borrowers to benefit from the existence of financial markets, thereby increasing the efficiency of the economy. 2. 一些经济学家认为,发展中国家经济发展缓慢的原因之一是他们不具备发达的金融市场。 参考答案 Some economists think that one of the reasons that economies in developing countries grow so slowly is that they do not have well-developed financial markets. 3. 你把钱存入支票账户,在需要付款或获取现金时你可以开支票。  参考答案 You deposit money into a checking account and then write checks when you need to pay for something or get cash. 4. 储蓄账户是一种安全、方便的存款方式。比起在家中保留大量现金,把钱留在银行更安全。而且银行向你支付利息。账户中存入资金越多,你赚取的利息就越高。 参考答案 A savings account is a safe and convenient way to save your money. Its much safer to keep your money at a bank than to keep a large amount of cash in your home. And banks pay you interest. The more money you put into your account, the more money youll earn in interest. 5. 自动提款机天天24小时提供现金。除了提款,你还可以查账户余额,转账或存款。 参考答案 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) make cash available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to withdrawing money, you can check account balances, transfer money between accounts or deposit funds into an account. 第二课 1. Finance company  参考答案 ? 财务公司 2. risk-based auto loan  参考答案 基于-风险的汽车贷款 3. tiered pricing  参考答案 分层定价 4. credit report  参考答案 信用报告 III.Translate the following sentences into English: ? ? 1. 金融服务业内基于风险的定价,就是对向不同的人发放同样贷款时收取不同的利率,利率高低取决于申请人的信用记录。信用记录好的人得到较低的利率,信用记录差的人得到较高的利率。 参考答案 ? Risk-based pricing in the financial se


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