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The graduation design is the main content of the machining process planning preparation and special fixture design process. I can comprehensive use of mechanical manufacturing technology and other basic curriculum of basic theory and method, in order to be able to complete the turbine speed reducer machining technology and drilling machine fixture design task, the integrated use of knowledge, and apply the correct design method, and developed a turbine speed reducer of the machining process planning. Combine craft design content, skilled in the application process calculation method, the relevant process the content analysis of the correct design and the computation, such as process parameters, cutting force and cutting power, cutting speed, positioning error, clamping force, etc. Through the turbine speed reducer to the processing technology of the determination of the route, the parts processing to the underside as the benchmark is reasonable, the processing technology solutions to meet the basic requirements of basic selection coarse and fine basic selection of the four principles. This fixture for drilling machine use special jig, this fixture is characteristic of the targeted, compact construction, simple operation, high productivity. In this design, the design of the machine tool fixtures meet fixture basic requirements of the overall design, fully guarantee the quality of parts processing, has the high production efficiency and lower cost of manufacture and good structure technology .
Key words: Machining; Process specification; Special fixture; Turbine gear unit housing目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 涡轮减速器箱体综述 1
1.2 涡轮减速器箱体国内外发展概况 2
1.2.1 涡轮减速器箱体机械加工工艺发展概况 2
1.2.2 涡轮减速器箱体夹具发展概况 3
第2章 零件的机械加工工艺规程设计 5
2.1 涡轮减速器箱体的工艺分析 5
2.1.1 涡轮减速器箱体的作用 5
2.1.2 涡轮减速器箱体的工艺分析 5
2.2 选择毛坯 6
2.3 确定铸件机械加工余量、毛坯尺寸和公差 6
2.4 设计毛坯图 7
2.4.1 确定圆角半径 7
2.4.2 确定毛坯的热处理方式 7
2.5 机械加工工艺路线的制订 9
2.5.1 选择定位基准 9
2.5.2 制订工艺路线 10
2.5.3 加工工艺过程的分析 13
2.5.4 选择加工设备与工艺装
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