AS3735-2001 - Concrete Retaining Structures Code (hold the shift key when opening)澳大利亚标准.pdf

AS3735-2001 - Concrete Retaining Structures Code (hold the shift key when opening)澳大利亚标准.pdf

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AS 3735—2001 A S 3 7 3 5 Australian Standard™ Concrete structures for retaining liquids 0 1 0 2 b e F 1 0 n o D T L Y T P S E C I V R E S O C N E S U A y b d e s s e c c A This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee CE-022, Concrete Structures for Retaining Liquids. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 17 November 2000 and published on 13 March 2001. The following interests are represented on Committee CE-022: Australian Pre-mixed Concrete Association Institution of Engineers Australia University of Queensland Water Services Association of Australia Additional interests participating in the preparation of this Standard: Association of Consulting Engineers Australia Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australian Post Tensioning Association Australian Water and Wastewater Association Brisbane City Council Department of Public Works and Services N.S.W. Melbourne Water National Precast Concrete Association Australia NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation Swimming Pool and Spa Association of N.S.W. Sydney Water Corporation



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