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24 2 Vol. 24, No. 2 2008 6 WORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Jun. 2008 : 007- 6069( 2008) 02- 0 44-06 1 000kV 聂肃非, 李黎, 张卉, 孔德怡 ( , 430074) : 000kV ANSYS , , , , : ; ; ; : P3 5. 966; TU 3 . 3; TM 753 : A Seism ic isolation of 1000kV m etal oxide arresters N IE Sufei, LI Li, ZHANG Hu,i KONG D eyi ( School of CivilEngineering M echanics, Huazhong University of Sc.i T ech. , Wuhan 430074, China) Abs tract: An isolatmi system is designed form itigating earthquake-induced disasters of 000kV metal oxide arres-t ers, wh ich consists of several lead-rubber base isolators. The fin ite element models of an arrester, are established w ith the general fin ite element analysis sofwt are ANSYS, onemodel isw ith isolation, but another isw ithout. The in- ternal forces and displacements of the two models are calcu lated under w ind load ing, junction board load ing and horizontal seism ic loading respeclively. In comparison w ith the model w ith out isolation, the seism ic responses of themodelw ith isolation are reduced distinctly due to the effects of the isolation. The whole structure of the arrester w ith isolation is enough safe. K ey w ord s: arresters; isolated; fin ite element method , 000kV 000kV , , 000kV , , , , , , 000kV , 000kV , 000kV , 8 , , , : 2007- 07 - 6; : 2007- 0- 25 : ( 97 - ), , , . E-m ail: nsf7026@ 26. com 2 , : 000kV 45 1 , , , , , , , , , 000kV , , , , 000kV :


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