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Fire Drill INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (FIRE DRILL) 火 警 ( 演 習 ) 須 知 If you see a fire, report to the General Office immediately. 遇上火警,立刻通知校務處。 INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (FIRE DRILL) 火 警 ( 演 習 ) 須 知 In the event of fire, an alarm consisting of a series of short and intermittent ringing of the bell or the hand bell will be sounded. 火警時,電鈴或手搖鈴會發出連串斷續而短促的警報。 INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (FIRE DRILL) 火 警 ( 演 習 ) 須 知 When the alarm is heard, leave the premises immediately. Follow the route shown in the diagram and go to the designated place orderly and quickly. Walk, do not run. 聽到警報,立刻離開現場。按緊急疏散路線圖,迅速及有秩序地前往指定地點。 應步行,不應奔走。 INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (FIRE DRILL) 火 警 ( 演 習 ) 須 知 The monitress should lead the class to leave. The teacher and the monitor should be the last to leave. 女班長帶領同學離開,老師和男班長殿後。 INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (FIRE DRILL) 火 警 ( 演 習 ) 須 知 Close all the doors when leaving. 離開時應關上所有門。 INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (FIRE DRILL) 火 警 ( 演 習 ) 須 知 The Laboratory Technician and the H.E. teacher should ensure the gas and electricity switches are turned off at the mains. 實驗室技術員和家政老師須確保電力和煤氣總制關妥。 INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (FIRE DRILL) 火 警 ( 演 習 ) 須 知 When all the pupils have assembled in the open playground, monitors should check the number of pupils present and report it to their form-teachers. The form-teachers should report the same to the teacher-in-charge of fire drill. Should there be any missing pupils, report to the Principal immediately. 同學在露天操場齊集後,各班長點算本班同學人數並向有關老師報告。如有學生遺失,立刻報告校長。 INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (FIRE DRILL) 火 警 ( 演 習 ) 須 知 When it is safe (or after the drill), return to the premises or be dismissed as directed. 在安全情況下(或火警演習後),依指示返回原來地方或解散。 請各班長點齊其班別的人數後向以下召集人報到 * Emergency Escape Routes And Typical Floor Plan Route A Route B Route C Route B Route C Route C Canteen Route A Route B Route A Keep Clear (RmG04) (RmG11) (Rm106) (Rm105) (Rm104) (Rm103) (Rm102) (Rm101) (Rm206) (Rm205) (Rm204) (Rm203) (Rm202) (Rm2



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