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16 5 Vol. 16No. 5 2003 10 World Forestr Research Oct . 2003 * 郭晋平 张芸香 ( , 03080 1) 回顾了中国景观生态学从学习引进阶段到逐步进入发展阶段的过程和特点, 总结了森 景观生态研究领 域的发展现状, 明确了其中在中国有 一定优势的研究领域和方向, 根据我国实际, 介绍了森 景观生态的研究对 象和主要内容, 从促进森 可持续经营的高度, 分析了当前中国森 景观生态研究领域存在的主要问题和制约因 素, 提出了今后一定时期内中国森 景观生态研究面临的主要挑战和应重点开展的研究工作。 Advances and Perspective of Forest Landscape Ecology in China Guo Jinping Zhang Yunxiang ( , , , 030801, , ) Inst itute of Landscape Ecolog College of Forestr Shanx i Agricultural Universit T aigu Shanx i China Abstract T his paper review ed the development process and features of landscape ecolog in China, expected the advanced fields and dir ections in China. According to Chinese realit , the paper suggested the resear ch objects and main contents of forest landscape ecolog in China, summar ized the present situation of Chinese forest landscape ecological studies, and anal zed the basic problems and restricting factors existed in Chinese development of forest landscape e- cological research. On the basis of the above, the paper suggested the main tasks and focuses in Chinese forest landscape ecological research in near future, tried to promote the r esearchers and for est managers pa ing much mor e attention to forest landscape ecological r esearches and to improve the resear ch level in China. : , , , Key words China for est landscape landscape ecological research advance and expectation , , , , , , 80 ,


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