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基于温度和倾角测量的供电线路覆冰在线监测研究* 何宣虎1,王 玮1,倪平浩1,周 刚2,王 伟3 (1北京交通大学国家能源主动配电网技术研发中心100044;2赤峰供电公司,内蒙古 赤峰024000;3延边供电公司,吉林 延吉133000) 摘要:分析了常见供电线路覆冰在线监测方法的优缺点,重点介绍了倾角弧垂法监测覆冰的原理,并分析覆冰对供电线路导线刚度的影响,修正了采用倾角弧垂法计算覆冰量时的导线弹性系数。最后设计了基于温度和倾角测量的供电线路覆冰在线监测装置,设计时着重考虑降低运行功耗、保证数据准确性和提高运行稳定性。通过设计的监测装置所采集到的导线温度和倾角数据,结合基站采集的视频、气象信息,能够及时准确地反映供电线路的覆冰状态,保证供电线路的安全可靠运行。 关键词:供电线路;覆冰;在线监测;温度测量;倾角测量 中图分类号:TM 文献标识码: 文章编号:1001-1390(201)-0000-00 Research on Temperature and Inclination Measurement based Icing Online Monitoring of Power Supply Line HE Xuan-hu1, WANG Wei1, NI Ping-hao1, ZHOU Gang2, WANG Wei3 (1. National Active Distribution Network Technology Research Center, Beijing 100044, China. 2. Chifeng Power Supply Corporation, Chifeng 024000, Inner Mong, China. 3. Yanbian Power Supply Corporation, Yanji 133000, Jilin, China) Abstract: The merits and demerits of common icing online monitoring methods for power supply line have been analyzed in this paper. The principle of icing monitoring based on inclination and sag method has been introduced, the affect of icing on wire stiffness has been discussed, and the wire elastic coefficient has been modificated using inclination sag method so as to calculate the weight of icing. The temperature and inclination measurement based icing online monitoring device of power supply line has been designed in this paper, and power loss reduction, data accuracy guarantee and the operation stability improvement are mainly taken into account. Through the temperature and inclination data collected by the designed device combining the video and meteorological information acquired by the base station, the power supply line icing state can be reflected timely and comprehensively, so as to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the power line. Key words: power supply line, icing, online monitoring, temperature measurement, inclination measurement 0 引 言 冰雪灾害对供电线路的安全可靠运行有着巨大威胁。持续的雨雪冰冻天气将导致供电线路大面积覆冰,使其荷载增加,造成断线、倒塔、闪络等事故,从而导致供



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