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Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Aug.2013, Vol.28,No.8 ·临床研究· 右侧额顶网络在空间注意认知过程中的作用机制* 徐光青 兰 月 何小飞 赵江莉 黄东锋1 2 1 1 1 摘要 目的:探讨右侧额顶网络(FPN)与视空间注意认知功能的关联性和作用机制。 方法:选取志愿受试者60人参加本实验,随机分为顶叶组和额叶组。采用持续短阵快速脉冲(cTBS)经颅磁刺激 (rTMS)右侧背外侧前额叶(DLPFC)和后顶叶皮质(DPC)后进行注意网络测试(ANT),所有受试者均按照随机顺序 进行真/假刺激。 结果:持续短阵快速脉冲经颅磁刺激施加于前额叶和后顶叶,不同提示和刺激类型的平均反应时均无明显改变。右 侧后顶叶抑制,警觉和定向功能受损(P <0.05);右侧额叶抑制,执行功能受损(P <0.05),而定向功能增强(P < 0.05)。 结论:在视空间注意过程中,右侧后顶叶是定向功能的关键区,右侧前额叶是执行功能的关键区,并且右侧额顶区之 间存在竞争性抑制现象。 关键词 后顶叶;前额叶;视空间注意;重复经颅磁刺激 中图分类号:R741,R493 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1242(2013)-08-0714-05 Modulatory effects of continuous theta burst stimulation over the right frontoparietal network on visuo⁃ spatial attention/XU Guangqing, LAN Yue, HE Xiaofei, et al.//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medi⁃ cine ,2013 ,28 (8 ):714—718 Abstract Objective: To probe the modulatory effects of continuous theta burst stimulation over the right frontoparietal network(FPN) on visuospatial attention using attention network test (ANT) paradigm in healthy human subjects. Method: Sixty healthy, right-handed volunteers (30 males and 30 females) aged between 19 and 23 years were recruited. They were divided into two groups as frontal group and parietal group in accordance with sex for the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) stimuli studies, respectively. The ANT was used to test subjects following the continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) of repetitive tran- scranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS) to either the right DLPFC or the right PPC. The ANT provided measures for three different components of visual attention: alerting, orienting and executive control. Result: During the ANT task, subjects with real right-PPC cTBS showed significant deficits in network ef


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