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31 3 () Vol. 31 No. 3 2008 9 JOURNAL OF NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY ( Natural Science Edition) Sep, 2008 叶黄素对破骨细胞分化的影响 裴凌鹏, 崔 箭 (, 100081) [ ] . ( RANKL)( M - CSF), . - 8 - 7 - 6 ( 10 m ol/L)( 10 mol/L) ( 10 m ol/L), . 7 d (TRAP) , ; , ; ( TRAP) NF- B ( RANK) mRNA . ; TRAP (P 00 ); ( RANK ) mRNA (P 00 ), . . [ ] , , [ ] R96 [ ] A [ ] 1001-4616( 2008) 03-0100-04 Effect of Lutein on the D ifferentiation of Osteoclast Induced From BoneM arrow inM ice Pe i L ingpeng, Cu i J ian ( CentralUniversity for Nationalities, R esearch Center ofM inarity TraditionalM edicine, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract: Effect of lutein on the d ifferentiation of osteoclast induced from bonem arrow were studied in vitro. M ononucle- ar cells of m ice bonem arrow w ere incubated w ith DMEM contain ing macrophage colony stmi u lating factor ( M - CSF) and receptor activator of NF - B ligand ( RANKL). The cu lture was treated w ith lutein of d ifferent concentrations - 8 - 7 - 6 ( 10 m ol/L10 m ol/L10 mol/L) , respectively. The cu lture cellsw ere fixed and w ere stained for tartate-resistant acid ic phosphatase (TRAP) after 7d. The form ation of osteoclasts w as quantified by counting the num ber of TRAP+ mu ltinuclear cells. The percentage of bone resorbed surface, TRAP activity and the expression of receptor activator of NF- B ( RANK) mRNA w ere analysed. The appearance of reduced m ice osteoclastsw as typical. Com pared w ith the + control gro


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