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The cultural differences between Chinese and western about animals Outline The same animal words have different cultural connotations . 在中国: long life长寿、 Propitious吉祥、 在西方: Ordinary bird Different opinions about dogs Chinese dog, such as ‘a dog looks down other people’, it’s derogatory 贬义的 狗仗人势 狐朋狗友 狗嘴吐不出象牙 A movie about dog Hachi 忠犬八公的故事 电影的原型为1924年秋田犬八公被它的主人上野秀三郎带到东京。每天早上,八公都在家门口目送着上野秀三郎出门上班,然后傍晚时分便到附近的涩谷火车站迎接他下班回家。一天晚上,上野秀三郎并没有如常般回到家中,他在大学里突然中风,抢救无效死了,再也没有回到那个火车站,可是八公依然忠实地等着他。   The different animal words have the similar cultural connotations in Eastern and Western culture. In English, horse is a word appears frequently to modify someone who is strong. But in Chinese people always say as strong as a bull(力大如牛). In English, they say as stubborn顽固 as a mule骡子, but in Chinese, the similar expression is “犟得像头牛”. 英语里的动物象征 Bear(熊)—象征暴躁、粗鲁。 Bull(公牛)—象征力量、直率、鲁莽。 Calf(小牛)—象征驯顺。 Camel(骆驼)—象征欺诈。 Crocodile(鳄鱼)—象征伪善。 Dog(狗)—象征忠诚。 Elephant(象)—象征明智笨重。 Fox(狐狸)—象征狡猾、作假。 Goat(山羊)—象征浮荡、好色、罪恶。 Hare(野兔)—象征胆怯。 Pig(猪)—象征不法、贪食、顽固。 Horse(马)—象征迅捷、优美。 Lamb(羔羊)—象征温和、善良。 Lion(狮子)—象征英勇、威武。 Lynx(山猫)—象征警觉、多疑。Monkey(猴子)—象征顽皮、恶作剧。 Mule(骡)—象征顽固。 Mole(鼹鼠)—象征盲目、迟钝。 Ox(牛)—象征耐性、力量。 Rabbit(兔子)—象征多产。 Rat(老鼠)—象征行为诡秘不可依赖的人或猥琐可鄙的人。 Serpent(蛇)—象征智慧。 Sheep(绵羊)—象征胆怯。 Tiger(老虎)—象征凶猛或精力 旺盛、坚持不懈的人。 Tortoise(龟)—象征坚持不懈、始终如一。 Wolf(狼)—象征凶残、贪婪。Ant(蚂蚁)—象征节俭未雨绸缪。 Bee(蜜蜂)—象征勤劳、忙碌。 Beetle(甲虫)—象征盲目。 Butterfly(蝴蝶)—象征嬉戏、享乐。 Cicada(蝉)—象征诗歌。 Fly(苍蝇)—象征孱弱、微不足道。 Grass hopper(蚱蜢)—象征长寿。 Spider(蜘蛛)—象征诡计多端 * Connotative meaning of words ——Animal made by 贾婷婷 1.same animal--same cultural connotations *2. same animal --different cultural connotations 3. different animal --similar cultural connotations The same animal words have same cultural connotations For example, cock are the symbol of pride“ in both Eastern and Western culture. In English, there is a phrase, as arrogant as a cock. In Chinese, we say “像公鸡一样骄傲” Wolf 英语:凶残贪婪 as greedy as a wolf贪得无厌 Eg. The


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