
小论汽车轮胎 修改版吕斌.doc

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小论汽车轮胎 修改版吕斌

小论汽车轮胎 摘要: 轮胎是供车辆、农业机械、工程机械行驶和飞机起落等用的圆环形弹性制品。它是车辆的主要配件,固定在汽车轮辋上形成整体,起支承车辆重量,传递车辆牵引力、转向力和制动力的作用,并使车辆行驶时吸收因路面不平产生的震动和外来冲击力,使得乘坐舒适。斜交轮胎因其转向性制动性好,生产工艺较成熟易于生产、效率高。能提高使用性能和经济效益,斜交轮胎趋于轻量化减层方向变化, 有的国家斜轮胎的内外帘布层采用密度相同的帘布,个别情祝也有用奇数层的外胎。缓冲层有的采用钢丝帘布或用含玻璃纤维的胶料结构,从而增强胎面刚性及稳定性,提高轮胎抗机械损伤的能力和降低抬面的磨损。设计重点考虑8.25-16-12轮胎在不同环境下使用的性能要求,确定骨架层材料的品种,采用传统设计方法,以静态平衡轮廓理论为依据,用薄膜—网络理论为原理指导轮胎设计,轮胎在模型用几何作图法采用由外向内的设计方法,依次为外轮廓设计、花纹设计、内轮廓设计、以及圈设计,采用CAD 图方式绘制轮胎设计总图。 关键词:8.25-16-12 静态平衡 模型 CAD ?Abstract :Tires for vehicles, farm machinery, engineering machinery, such as traffic and aircraft landing with a round of the circular flexible products. It is the main vehicle accessories, car fixed in the rim formed as a whole, from bearing the weight of vehicles, vehicle traction transmission, steering and braking forces role and as a result of traffic when the road surface to absorb shock and injustice resulting from external shocks, make Comfortable ride. Because of tire to brake good, easy-to-production process more mature production, and high efficiency. Can be used to improve the performance and cost-effective bias tires tend to reduce the light level changes in the direction of some countrys internal and external oblique ply tires using the same density of the cord, the situation of individual wish also useful for odd-tire. Some of the buffer layer using steel cord or glass fiber with the rubber structure, thus increasing the rigidity and stability of the tread to enhance anti-tire mechanical damage and the ability to reduce the wear and tear of the desk. 8.25-16-12 focus on the design tires in a different environment, the use of performance requirements, determine the skeleton of the species material, the use of traditional design methods, in order to balance the static outline of the theory, films - the guiding principle of network theory to tire design, tire Geometry model used in the mapping Youwaixiangnei


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