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武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院 2013学年 第二学期 设计题目: 武汉小别墅设计 学 院: 武汉理工大学土建学院 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 日 期: 2013年7月 摘要 1 Abstract 2 1、建筑方案 2 1.1建筑风格方案的确定 2 2.单体建筑的设计 3 2.1平面的设计 3 3.建筑围护结构节能设计与模拟 3 3.1日照分析 3 3.2采光分析 5 3.3自然通风 7 3.4 维护结构热工设计 7 3.5 体型系数、窗墙比。 9 4、节能计算报告书 9 5、建筑技术节能设计 10 5.1 机电系统技术方案与设备节能 10 5.2给排水系统方案与设备节能 13 5.3电气系统方案 14 参考文献 19 摘要 建设资源节约型社会,是我们国家实现可持续发展目标而做出的战略决策。节约能源是资源节约型社会的重要组成部分。我国建筑用能已经超过全国能源消费总量的1/4,并将随着人民的生活水平的提高逐步增加到1/3以上,由此表明建筑用能是节能潜力非常大。 本建筑在设计的过程中力求保证其在全寿命周期内做到节水、节地、节材、节电,并且保护环境,提高能源的利用率。 为了达到这一目的,在设计的过程中重点考虑了建筑原材料的选择,建筑朝向、体型系数、窗墙比的合理控制,热工性能的设计,自然光自然风的合理利用,采暖和空调设备的合理选型,以及绿色照明的设计。在满足人们对于建筑基本使用功能需求、舒适性、健康安全的需要的全前提下,最大限度的减少能源的使用,同时减少碳排放,实现建筑的绿色理念。 关键字:建筑节能;全寿命周期;功能需要;绿色 Abstract Building a resources-saving society is our nations strategic decisions to achieve sustainable development goals. Conservation of energy is an important part of a resources-saving society. China has already exceed the total national energy consumption for building one-fourth, and with the improvement of peoples living standards and gradually increased to one-third percent, which indicates that the potential of building energy saving can be very large. This construction in the design process to ensure that in its total life cycle saving water, land and materials, energy-saving and protecting the environment, improving energy utilization. To reached this goal, in design of process in the focus consider has building raw materials of select, building towards, and size coefficient, and window wall than of reasonable control, hot workers performance of design, natural light natural wind of reasonable using, heating and air conditioning equipment of reasonable selection, and green lighting of design, in meet people for building basic using features needs, and comfortable sexual, and health security of needs of full premise , maximum of reduced energy of using, while reduced carbon emissions, achieved building of green concept. Key word:Building energy



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