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从针灸医学特色 看其在医学中的地位 孙 国 杰 教 授 Professor Sun Guojie 一、WHO的倡导 —— WHO’s advocacy 二、完整而独特的理论体系 ——a complete and unique theoretical system 三、作用方式的独特性——the role of the unique way 四、符合现代医学模式——in line with the modern medical model 五、弥补现代医学的不足——to make up for the shortcomings of modern medicine 一、WHO的倡导 1975年受WHO委托,在我国北京、上海、南京建立了三个国际针灸培训中心; 1979年WHO认定了首批43种针灸适应症; 1980年WHO在《世界卫生组织纪事》中发表社论,题为“针灸在现代保健事业中的应用”;建议各国积极开展针灸活动,推动针灸事业的发展 一、WHO的倡导 1981年,在WHO西太区事务局领导下,成立了有中国参加的“针灸经穴用语标准化委员会”; 1984年WHO总干事中岛宏博士在中国第二届全国针麻学术讨论会上,明确指出:“针灸已成为世界通行的一门新的医学科学”, “针灸能够治疗西洋医学束手无策的许多疾病。” In 1981, under the leadership of WHO Western Pacific Affairs Bureau, acupuncture and acupoints of language standardization committee was set up. China jointed the committee. In 1984, in China, the Second National Symposium on acupuncture anesthesia, WHO Director-General Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima pointed out clearly : Acupuncture has become a prevailing and a new medical science and acupuncture can treat many diseases that which make western medicine at a loss . 一、WHO的倡导 1987年世界针灸界在北京成立了世界针灸学会联合会; 1989年WHO在日内瓦召开的会议上正式提出了针灸医学是世界医学的一个组成部分。 1991年WHO首次公布了《国际标准针灸穴名》,我国参与了制定工作; In 1987, in Beijing, the World Federation of Acupuncture Society were established by The Acupuncture Community in the world. In 1989, in Geneva, WHO convened a meeting and announced that the acupuncture medicine is an integral part of the world medicine. In 1991, WHO announced the international standards of acupuncture points for the first time China participated this work. 一、WHO的倡导 1992年,美国国立卫生院设立“替代医学”研究中心,针灸纳入了资助研究之中; 1996年WHO制定了“针灸临床研究规范”在世界推广的战略; 1998年WHO与世界针灸学会联合会建立非政府性正式关系; 2002年WHO将1979年推荐的43种针灸治疗适应症更新为4类107种病证; In 1992,NIH(National?Institutes??Health) established alternative medicine research centers to fund acupuncture study; In 1996, WHO developed a clinical study of acupuncture norms in the world to promote the strategy; In 1998, WHO and the World Federation of Acupuncture Society established a formal relation betwee


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