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铜陵职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文)任务书 信息工程 系 11计算机应用技术 班 姓名 黄笑笑 毕业设计(论文)题目: 电子商务网站 毕业设计(论文)起止日期: 2013年10月24日 指导教师: 刘兵老师 毕业设计论文 题 目: 电子商务网站 毕业学校:铜陵职业技术学院 专 业: 计算机应用技术(1)班 指导老师: 刘兵 姓 名: 黄笑笑 学 号: 日 期 2013.10.24 摘 要 随着电子科技的不断进步,购物不再是单一的现实购物形式,电子商务网上购物也成为日常购买商品的一种主要形式。电子商务形式的网上商店具有高效、快捷,信息畅通的特点,还可以很大程度上降低销售成本。本文着重论述了的实现与设计过程。在系统的设计与开发过程中严格遵守软件工程的规范,运用软件设计模式,从而减少系统模块间的偶合,力求做到系统的稳定性、可重用性和可扩充性。主要实现电子商城的购物车模块,实现了用户浏览页面商品和用户登录注册等功能,用户把商品放入购物车,并且对购物车里的商品进行修改,增添和删除购物车的商品,以及改变购物车里商品的数量,最后确定后递交订单,根据订单以及客户货款的情况来确定是否发货,然后在后台进行填写已经发货的情况,以及管理员的后台管理,包括对注册用户的帐号的管理情况,譬如修改、删除等等。 Abstract With the progress of electronic technology, shopping is no single reality, e-commerce shopping on shopping and buying goods become daily a main form. Electronic commerce form of online shop is efficient, quick, information flow characteristics, still can greatly reduce cost of sales. This paper discusses the realization of shopping website design and process. In system design and development process strictly abide by the software engineering specifications, using the software design patterns, thereby reducing the coupling between the system module, the stability of the system and the reusability and extensibility. In this paper, to design the e-mall web site shopping cart module, front the use of ASP.NET technology, the background using SQL SERVER 2005 database. The main issue to E-Mall shopping cart module that enables customers to browse merchandise and the user login page registration, users bring their products into the shopping cart, and the right to modify shopping cart of goods, add and delete shopping cart of goods, and changes in the quantity of goods shopping cart to finalize after the submission of orders, orders and customer money managers in accordance with the situation to determine whether shipments, and then fill in the ba


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