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* Summary Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. * Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. XXXX Heading. XXXX Heading. XXXX Heading. XXXX Replace with presentation notes here. * Summary Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. * Summary Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. * Summary Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. * Summary Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. * Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. Summary Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. Heading. Text. * * 常用体位有: 仰卧位 侧卧位 俯卧位 截石位 坐位 婴幼儿体位固定 自 制 海 棉 软 垫 ※常用手术体位 仰卧位 ①适用手术:腹部、颌面部、颈部、骨盆及下肢手术等 ②注意事项:手外展角度、垂头仰卧 颈间盘置换体位 仰卧位易受压部位 枕部 胸椎 尺骨鹰嘴 尾骶部 跟部 肩胛部 侧卧位 ①适用手术:胸、腰部及肾、髋关 节手术等 ②注意事项:胸部手术、肾手术腿 部放置;保护臂丛神经 ※常用手术体位 侧卧位易受压部位 俯卧位 ①适用手术:脊柱、小脑及背部手 术 ②注意事项:保证气道通畅,保护 眼部、耳廓 ※常用手术体位 俯卧位易受压部位 为保证手术顺利进行和避免由于体位摆放不当而造成的不良影响,选择摆放合适的体位是极其重要的 ;我们服务的对象,是医生、是病人,既要满足医生的需求,又要考虑到病人的个体差异,如何能做得更好,我们还要继续努力! 第五节 手术人员的准备 一、术前一般性准备 规范着装 手术人员的准备 ※二、手臂的洗刷与消毒 正确洗手-杜绝交叉感染 ※三、穿无菌手术衣 ※四、戴无菌手套 五、连台手术更换手术衣及
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