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YD系列燃油燃烧器 YD Series Oil Burner 使 用 说 明 书 Operation Instructions 岳阳远大热能设备有限公司 Yueyang Yuanda Thermal Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. 公 司 简 介 Company profile 岳阳远大热能设备有限公司是一家以热工技术开发及热工设备设计、制造的高新技术企业。Yueyang Yuanda Thermal Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech enterprise engaged in the development of thermal technologies and design and manufacturing of thermal equipments. 本公司以节能降耗、提高产品质量和生产效率、改善劳动条件、提高设备运行的可靠性、延长设备的使用寿命以及减少环境污染等方面为宗旨,凭借雄厚的技术力量和新颖的设计理念,长期致力于热加工行业专用设备的设计开发和制造,在竞争激烈的市场上创立了一块信誉度良好的品牌,也取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。 Yuanda carries out the tenet of saving energy, reducing consumption, improving product quality and productive efficiency and working condition, enhancing the reliability of operation of equipments, prolonging life of use of equipments and decreasing environment pollution. With strong technical strength and novel design concept, Yuanda is dedicated to the design, development and manufacturing of the special equipments of thermal processing industry, and has created a brand of good credit in fierce competitive market and obtained relative good economic and social benefit. 本公司的产品有: The products of Yuanda include: 适合于轻油、重油、天然气、液化石油气、高炉煤气、焦炉煤气、发生炉煤气、水煤气和各可燃工业废气的燃油燃气燃烧器(含手动和全自动)及其配套产品,这些燃烧器在锅炉、石油及石化、化工、冶金、陶瓷、公路建设、船舶、热处理等行业得到了广泛的应用;il and gas burners and supporting products suitable for light oil, heavy oil, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, high furnace gas, coke oven gas, producer gas, water gas and inflammable industrial waste gas. These burners are widely used in boilers, petroleum, petrochemical, chemical industry, metallurgical, ceramic, road construction, ships, heat treatment industries and some other industries. 铝、铜和锌等有色金属加工行业专用的预热式圆形熔化保温炉、竖式快速熔化炉与保温炉(含倾动式)配套炉组、全自动连续式熔化保温炉、新型节能铝棒加热炉(专利产品)、热喷射快速铝棒加热炉、时效炉和均质炉等,是铝型材、铝制品、板带铸扎、铝合金配制、连铸连扎及废铝回收行业理想的更新换代产品;Preheating circular melting and holding furnaces specially used for processing of aluminum, copper, zinc and non-ferrous metal , vertical rapid melting furnaces and holding furnaces (including tilting fur


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