国际贸易 Ch.1 Introduction.ppt

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国际贸易 Ch.1 Introduction

Visible trade and invisible trade (1) Visible trade: trade in goods 有形贸易: 进出口要办理海关手续,并在海关的进出口贸易统计中反映出来,从而构成一个国家一定时期的对外贸易额。 Customs formalities have to be carried out. Transactions are observable. Account for about 80% of the total value of international trade The Standard International Trade Classification (SITC): 10 sections, 67 divisions, 262 groups, 1023 sub-groups and 1924 basic headings. Section 0-5: Primary goods; Section 6-9: Manufactured goods 货物贸易(merchandise trade) 按照《联合国国际贸易标准分类》SITC 10大类: 初级产品(Primary Products) (0 )食品及主要供食用的活动物 (1)饮料及烟类 (2)燃料以外的非食用粗原料 (3)矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料 (4)动植物油脂及油脂 制成品(Manufactures) (5)未列名化学品及有关产品 (6)主要按原料分类的制成品 (7)机械及运输设备 (8)杂项制品 (9)没有分类的其他商品 (2) Invisible trade: trade in services 服务贸易 无形贸易:指在国际贸易活动中所进行的没有物质形态的商品交易,主要指劳务、技术、旅游、运输、金融、保险等。不办理海关手续,在海关的进出口统计中反映不出来,而在国际收支中反映出来,是国际收支的重要组成部分。 Difficult to obtain accurate estimates of the value of the transactions of trade in services No agreed definition of traded services Ways of measuring these transactions not precise Estimates are obtained by examining foreign exchange records and/or through surveys of establishments. Usual customs records or data are not available for valuing these transactions. May be underestimated or overvalued. Defines trade in services as the supply of a service through any of four modes. ① Cross border supply of services (or “Mode 1”). Only the service itself crosses national frontiers. TELECOMMUNICATION ② Consumption abroad (or “Mode 2”). The supply of a service “in the territory of one Member to the service consumer of another Member”. TRAVEL ③ Commercial presence (or “Mode 3”). The supply of a service through the commercial presence of the foreign supplier in the territory of another WTO member. BANKING ④ Presence of natural persons (or “Mode 4”) : The admission of foreign nationals to another country t


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