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韵达快递SWOT分析及改进建议摘要: 随着人们生活水平的提高以及电子商务行业的高速发展,作为当前服务业的主要推动产业,快递业迎来了巨大的发展契机。如今,我国的物流市场己经全面开放,入世后经过10多年的发展,快递逐渐形成了三分天下白热化的竞争局面,首先是中国邮政的EMS,以其悠久的历史与广泛成熟的业务成为最为广知与安全的物流方式;其次是类似于UPS , DHL等外资物流企业,他们以其先进的管理经验与良好的企业形象很大程度地占据中国这一巨大的市场;再有就是以顺丰、韵达、申通等为代表的民营快递企业。在同质化的快递市场,“价格战”的竞争趋势逐渐凸显,如何在恶性的市场环境中脱颖而出,加强企业的竞争力并建立竞争优势,是民营快递函需解决的问题。本文首先回顾了相关的理论,接着分析了我国目前快递市场的情况,包括宏观环境、行业现状与市场竞争情况,接着着重强调了韵达目前自身资源条件,然后运用SWOT法,将环境的机会与威肋、以及韵达自己的优势与劣势进行了整理,明确了韵达要创造竞争力所需进行努力的方向。关键词:韵达快递;SWOT;市场竞争策略Abstract: with the rapid development of peoples life and the electronic commerce industry as the main industry, promote the service industry, the courier industry is facing a huge opportunity for development. Nowadays, Chinas logistics market has been fully open, after Chinas accession to the WTO after 10 years of development, gradually formed the three world express intense the first is the competition situation, China postal EMS, with its long history and extensive mature business has become the most widely known and safe way of logistics; the second is similar to that of UPS, DHL and other foreign logistics enterprises, with its advanced management experience and good corporate image greatly occupy In this huge market; another is to rhyme, SF, Shen Tong as the representative of the private express enterprise. In the homogenization of the express market competition trend of price war gradually highlights how the market environment of talent shows itself in malignant, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and establish a competitive advantage, is the private express we need to solve the problem. This paper reviews the related theories, then analyzes Chinas current express market situation, including macro environment, industry situation and market competition situation, and then emphasizes the rhyme of the current conditions of their own resources, and then use the SWOT method, the environmental opportunities and threats, as well as their rhyme the advantage of And the disadvantages are sorted out


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