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98年01月托福听力文字 Part A 部分 1. A: The tickets for that rock concert finally go on sale next Saturday at five o’clock. 1。答:摇滚音乐会的票在下星期六5点钟开卖。 B: I heard that anyone who wants one had better get there sooner than that. B:我听说任何人想要买票的要尽快。 What does the woman imply? 女人意味着什么呢? 2. A: Your train will be ready for boarding in fifteen minutes, sir. Breakfast will be offered in the dining car. 2。答:你的火车在十五分钟后开始检票,先生。在餐车里提供早餐。 B: Good. I’ll have just enough time to send a fax before leaving. B:好的。离开之前我刚好有足够的时间去发个传真。 What does the man plan to do next? 男人如何计划下一步做什么? 3. A: Shall I cut your hair for you? 3。我要为你剪你的头发? B: No way. Last time you almost made me bald. B:没门。上次你几乎使我秃头。 What does the man imply? 这个男士暗示什么? 4. A: I have to call the apartment manager. 4。我打电话给公寓经理。 B: Lost your keys again, huh? B:又把你的钥匙丢了,嗯? What does the woman imply? 女人意味着什么呢? 5. A: Would you like to try the new seafood restaurant tonight? I hear it’s very good. 5。今晚你想试试新开的海鲜饭馆吗?我听说它是非常好的。 B: I have to give a presentation tomorrow and I need to do a trial run. B:我明天得演讲,我现在需要练习。 What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 6. A: Uh huh. Somebody left their wallet here. 6。答:嗯嗯。有人在这里丢了钱包。 B: See if there is some kind of identification in it. B:看看里面是否有证明身份的某种东西。 What does the man suggest the woman do? 男人如何建议女人做什么? 7. A: Dr. Smith asked us to watch that special专刊 on the Civil War on TV this weekend. Do you want to come over Saturday night? 7。答:史密斯博士要求我们周末观看关于内战的电视专题片,你想星期六晚上一起过来看吗? B: Oh, I’m supposed to help my cousin move then. It’s being rebroadcast on Sunday afternoon though. Is that OK for you? B:哦,我要帮助我的表姐搬家。另外周日下午有重播,你看呢? What does the man mean? 男士的意思是什么呢? 8. A: I don’t know how I managed to break that platter盘子. I’ll be more than happy to buy you a new one. 8。答:我不知道怎么打碎了盘子。我将很乐意购买你新的。 B: Forget about it. Some things just can’t be helped. B:忘掉它。有些事情是没办法的。 What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 9. A: I wonder if there is a bus that goes by the museum. 9。答:我不知道有没有去博物馆的公共汽车。 B: The history


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