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精英考研——英语翻译讲座 第 八 讲 语态转换 约定俗成 考题实例 1:The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. (2002) 行为科学之所以发展缓慢,部分原因是用来解释行为的依据似乎往往是直接观察到的,部分原因是其他的解释方式一直难以找到。 精英考研——英语翻译讲座 考题实例 2:The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated (用公式表示,?系统地阐述)only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied. (2002) 自然选择在进化中的作用仅在一百多年前才得以阐明,而环境在塑造和保持个体行为时的选择作用则刚刚开始被认识和研究。 精英考研——英语翻译讲座 英语中的被动语态使用极为广泛,尤其以科技英语最为常见。考试中的阅读内容中有相当量的科技题材,所以翻译题目也往往少不了被动语态的处理。请看下面这道考试中的翻译题。 We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients were not told of their serious illness,they were quite aware of its potential outcome. 此题中出现了两处被动语态,前者were most impressed by(被…留下深刻印象)必须进行语态的转换,否则不便于汉语表述;后者were not told也应译成主动形式,而不要译成“没有被告知”;同位语从句前的the fact根据习惯可省略;its指代的是前面的illness,翻译时应明确译出所指代的名词,以免使表达含糊不清。 参考译文:我们感到印象最为深刻的是,那些患者即使没人告知其病情的严重性,他们对自己病情的潜在后果也一清二楚。 或:那些患者即使没人告知其病情的严重性,他们也知道自己的病情可能产生的后果。我们对此印象颇深。 精英考研——英语翻译讲座 翻译被动语态的常用方法技巧 被动语态 增词法 汉语中的被动结构不那么常用,因为从习惯上讲,汉语中的“被”、“遭”、“受”、“挨”等字眼总是给人以不那么舒服的感觉,因此在英汉翻译时,我们应尽量将被动语态化为主动结构。请看下面这一典型译例: 原文:As oil is found deep in the ground its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig” is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called “a derrick”. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil is struck a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valves. 译文:由于石油深埋地下,靠研究地面,不能确定有没有石油。因此对地下岩层结构必须进行地质探测。如果认为


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