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(点评) Directions: Suppose that you are a secretary of English Teaching and Research Section. Write a notice in about 100 words to inform the students and English teachers of a lecture on American culture. (Specify the time and place. Introduce the lecturer Wei Ming.) 词汇,拼写,标点, 避免直接用原句 perspective students (prospective) detail (detailed) account He is a learned and humor man a expert 搭配 He have devoted to… … and he has some famous lectures which some of us read… Don’t be late of any reasons Strength our ability of understanding Answer our some questions 表达 2008, July, 13rd p.m. 3:00 I want to know what is your university requirements to prospective students Can I order a scholarship? Please attend on time or the room will be closed Please attention! The lecture will hold in… His talking is very well The lecture will begin at Sunday 3 p.m. 结构 The time is 3 pm today, and in the meeting room There are going to have two buses wait at the school gate This Sunday, the lecture will be held in the meeting room at 7 a.m this morning. 应用文写作指导 (第三讲) 四 启 事 启事是一种公告性的应用文。机关、团体或个人若有事情要公开说明,或者对群众有什么要求,都可以写成启事,张贴于布告栏等公共场所。特别重要的或涉及面较广的,往往还要登报。    启事标题 Lost / Found Removal (迁移启事) Acknowledgements(鸣谢) Corrections (更正启事) Invitation for Bids (招标启事) Contributions Wanted (征稿启事) 启事的种类繁多,日常生活中常用的有:遗失启事、招领启事、征稿启事等等。 遗失启事 正文包括遗失物品,遗失的时间、地点,若有人发现遗失物品应交的人、地点、联系方式等。启事正文右下角写上失主的姓名。 Lost July 13,2007 I was careless and lost my red long overcoat on the school playground this afternoon. In one of the pockets there is a small notebook, with a key to my bike on the other pocket. Will the finder please send it either to the monitor of Class 3, Senior Grade 3 or to me? I will be greatly appreciated if you find it for me. Our classroom is on the 6th floor of our teaching building. Li Yan 招领启事 正文包括招领的物品、拾到物品的时间及丢失者去


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