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沈 阳 工 业 大 学 软件学院 外 文 翻 译 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: VIRTUAL REALITY MODEL OF AIR POLLUTION M. Mudrova, A. Prochazka, and M. Kolnova Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Computing and Control Engineering Abstract The paper is devoted to the description of virtual reality model generation using the system Matlab and its Virtual Reality Toolbox. The selected possibilities of interconnection of both systems (Matlab and VRML) are demonstrated by means of visualisation of two-dimensional interpolation of air pollution data. 1 Introduction Presentation of three-dimensional data currently represents a very topical theme in many areas, and not only technical ones. Clear and intelligible arrangements of information in the 3D model is necessary for example in medicine and it is used more and more frequently in other areas. Results of information processing using complex mathematical tools can naturally lead to formulation of a three-dimensional graphical model. It has been possible to observe or process spatial data for all users of personal computers since the VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) had been developed [5, 6, 7]. The most frequently used Internet browsers (MS Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator) have a VRML viewer built in. There are also many other freeware plug-in modules available on the Internet with which one can enter the virtual world and observe it and possibly control it as well. Thanks to these facts, it is expected that areas of applications of 3D modeling will grow. The goal of this paper is to describe the process of formulation of a 3D model of air pollution level in the Czech Republic using the system Matlab, and its export to VRML. 2 Background The virtual realistic scene establishes to generally have two kinds of paths: Adopting openGL, VRML,Direct 3D is the 1st。For non-calculator professional personnel to say, make use of OpenGL to write a com


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