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周蕾1 胡浩宇2 郑水红2 徐雪2
作者单位:321000 金华,金华市中医院针灸科(周蕾);金华市中医院神经科(胡浩宇、郑水红、徐雪)
通信作者:周蕾, Email:zjjhzhoulei@126.com
[摘要] 目的 观察针刺配合语言康复治疗中风后感觉性失语的临床疗效。方法 将66例中风后感觉性失语患者按就诊单双日分为治疗组32例(针刺加语言康复,单)和对照组34例(语言康复组,双)。针刺组采用头皮针(语言二区、三区、运用区及视区)、舌针、体针相结合,并在头皮针留针时进行语言训练,对照组仅予语言康复训练。两组治疗前后予《汉语失语检查法》评定失语状况,并进行疗效评价。结果 针刺加康复训练治疗感觉性失语与对照组相比总有效率及自发谈话、理解、复述、命名功能都有差异(PO.05)。结论 针刺加康复训练治疗感觉性失语疗效优于单纯语言康复治疗,值得进一步研究、推广。
[关键词] 中风;感觉性失语;针灸疗法;语言疗法
Clinical observation on treatment of stroke-induced Wernicke aphasia by acupuncture combined with language training Zhou Lei1, Hu hao-yu2 , ZHENG Shui-hong2,Xu xue2(1. Department of Acupuncture, Jinhua Municipal Hospital of TCM, Zhejiang,321000,China; 2. Department of Neurology, Jinhua Municipal Hospital of TCM,Zheng,321000, China) .
Corresponding author: Zhoulei, Email:zjjhzhoulei@126.com
[Abstract] Objective To observe the effect of combined acupuncture and language training on Wernicke aphasia of stroke patients.Methods
The selected cases of stroke with Wernicke aphasia were divided into the treatment group of 32 cases(single-date) and the control group of 34 cases(double-date) through the date of seeing a doctor. The treatment group were treated by acupuncture including scalp-acupuncture ,tongue- acupuncture and body- acupuncture besides language training. The control group was treated by language training only. Outcome measurements of aphasia evaluated before and after the treatment. Results In total efficiency and the function of spontaneous conversation , understanding, naming and retailing there are differences(PO.05) on therapeutic effect between the combined acupuncture and language training group and the control group. Conclusion Combined acupuncture and language training can produce significantly effect on Wernicke aphasia of stroke patients better than language training alone. It deserts to study deeply.
[Key words] Stroke;Wernicke aphasia;acupuncture therapy;language training
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