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第二章 术 前 准 备
第一节 动物的准备 一、术前诊断 (一)病史调查 (二)现症检查 (三)实验室检查、特殊检查。 生理参数! 临床意义! 三、确定术前治疗措施 (一)禁食、禁水 特别是反刍动物;一般禁食24h、禁水12h。小动物因消化道较短,禁食一般不超过12h,过长时间的禁食、禁水是不适宜的。 (三)保持动物安静,减少应激 根据具体病例,采取抗菌消炎、补液强心、输血、给氧等治疗措施,特别注意调整水电解质酸碱平衡失调和补充营养,以缓解病情,增强动物抵抗力 (四)特殊准备 对各种器官的功能不全,术前应作出预测和作好相应的准备。 肺部疾病,要作特殊的肺部检查 因为麻醉、手术和动物的体位变化均能影响肺的通气量,如果肺通气量减少到85%以下者,并发感染增加,故宜早些采取措施。 肾是调节水、电解质和酸碱平衡的重要器官,若发现异常,在术前要进行纠正。术前和术后避免应用对肾有明显损害的药物。有些对肾血管产生强烈收缩的药物,如去甲肾上腺素等也应避免使用。 术前用电推子和专用剪毛剪,去除手术区域内的被毛(逆毛方向进行),然后用剃刀、手术刀、刮胡刀等,顺毛方向剃毛。或用脱毛剂脱毛: 配方1:硫化钠7~8g,加水100ml 配方2:硫化钠7g,加水100ml, 加甘油10~15ml。 注意脱毛范围,个别个体敏感。 (二)术部的消毒 5%碘酊,70~75%酒精 Step by Step Photo Series of Surgical Prep of the Large Animal Patient Step 3: White Glove Test: Soak 10-15 white 4x4 gauze sponges with isopropyl alcohol (70%). Wipe the scrubbed?skin (always work from proposed incision site to the periphery) and check for remaining dirt and debris. Discard gauze if you pick up debris. Once you reach the periphery, discard gauze and start again at the proposed incision site with a new gauze sponge Step 4: Final Skin Preparation: Saturate 10-15 gauze sponges with antiseptic solution (2% Nolvasan? Betadine?). Add ten milliliters of Nolvasan? or Betadine? surgical scrub to the top sponges. Scrub in a circular motion starting at the surgical site and moving toward the periphery. Never scrub in the direction of the periphery towards the proposed incision site. Total contact time should be 5 minutes Starting with 1 to 3 sponges, scrub in circular motion starting at the proposed incision site and moving towards the periphery. Discard sponges as you reach the periphery (do not move peripheral debris toward the central incision site). Repeat for a total of five minutes Step 5: Rinse: Rinse with sterile saline or 70% isopropyl alcohol. Continue rinsing until the area is free of fat and/or surgical scrub residue (rinsing solution will bead as it is flushed across skin. Rinsing solution should alwa