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沈阳工业大学硕士学位论文格式规范 PAGE - - PAGE I 摘 要 染料是有颜色的物质,能使纤维和其他材料着色,分天然和合成两大类。染料废水主要产生于印染涂料生产企业,以及以染料为原料的各类行业,主要由各种产品和中间体结晶的母液、生产过程中流失的物料及冲刷地面的污水等组成,具有成分复杂、化学需氧量、含盐量和酸碱度高、可生化性差等特点,是工业废水治理的难点之一。针对染料废水的特点,废水中处理应与生产过程相结合,尽可能少排或不排污染物,并且在污染物的主要排放点设置回收装置,回收有用物质。进行清污分流,在废水中污染物浓度大大降低的情况下,集中处理。处理方法主要有,生化法,水解酸化法,好氧法,生物膜法等。 本设计中,污水处理规模为日处理生产废水4760m3/d,进水水质:COD为800mg/l,BOD为400mg/l,SS为200mg/l。出水水质根据《国家污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)一级排放标准处理。 本设计采用水解酸化- 接触氧化- 混凝工艺,其处理效果明显优于传统工艺,有能耗低、产泥量少的特点,且剩余污泥可直接脱水。沉淀池后设置混凝沉淀池和脱色氧化池,作为三级处理,可获得较好的出水水质。 计算了各个单体构筑物如格栅,集水井,气浮池,水解酸化池,接触氧化池等的尺寸大小及选择了相应的鼓风机和污水泵。同时,用CAD绘制了平面布置图、高程布置图、工艺流程图及重要的单体构筑物图。 关键词:染料废水;水解酸化;接触氧化;混凝 PAGE III Abstract Dye is can make fiber and other materials shading material, points natural and synthetic two kinds big. Dye is colored material. Out to produced in printing and dyeing coating production enterprise, and for all kinds of raw materials to dye industry. Dyes effluent made primarily of products and intermediates crystallization of liquor, production process erosion materials and components, such as the sewage scouring the ground. Main have complicated ingredients, chemical oxygen demand (cod), salinity and ph high, but such biochemical sex characteristic, is one of the difficult points of industrial wastewater treatment. For paint characteristics of wastewater, wastewater treatment should be combined with production process and as few row or not discharge pollutants, and the main pollutant discharge points in setting recovery device, recycling useful material. Concerned in wastewater were shunting, greatly reduce the concentration of pollutant in the cases, centralized processing. Processing methods mainly hydrolysis acidification - contact oxidation, its flocculation process - treatment effect obviously better than the traditional process, low energy consumption, low amount in the characteristics of mud, and surplus sludge can direct dehydration. After traps set coagulation traps and decoloring oxidation ponds, as level 3 p



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