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本周热词 黑色星期五 Black Friday Major Chinese e-commerce platforms are offering promotions for the Black Friday shopping event, which follows the US Thanksgiving holiday, providing a new channel for Chinese consumers to buy imported items at a discount. 为了迎接美国感恩节之后的黑色星期五购物节,中国几大电商平台纷纷推出促销活动,为中国消费者购买打折进口货提供了新渠道。 ➤黑色星期五标志着圣诞购物季的开始(the start of the Christmas shopping season),这个说法是零售商在20世纪60年代创造出来的。在繁忙的圣诞礼品采购季中,这一天正是商店生意开始好转的时候。英语中in the red表示亏损,into the black则是财政上变得有盈余的意思,Black Friday由此而来 ➤美国人习惯在感恩节过后马上开始为亲友选购圣诞节礼物(Christmas gifts),所以黑色星期五跟中国的双11不同,不是纯粹的人造购物节(not really a made up shopping carnival)。感恩节是11月最后一个星期四,许多身在他乡的美国人会在周五请假,凑出一个长周末,赶回家和家人相聚,所以这个周五很适合开始圣诞购物。 ➤近年来,黑色星期五的购物热潮也逐渐从线下扩展到了线上,并借助电商平台扩大成全球性的购物狂欢节。今年各跨境电商平台(cross-border e-commerce platforms)对黑五的追逐空前热烈,例如,亚马逊宣布下调亚马逊欧洲网站直邮中国的邮费(shipping costs),降幅最高可达50%(provide reductions of up to 50%)。 相关词汇 网络星期一(感恩节假期后的第一个工作日的网购促销活动) Cyber Monday 剁手党 hands-chopping people 限时抢购 flash sale 礼品卡 gift card 现金礼券 cash coupon 直邮 direct shipping 海淘 buy products from overseas websites 冲动购买 impulse buying 国防和军队改革 defense and military reforms President Xi Jinping said deepening defense and military reforms is a crucial step for the militarys future, a sure path to a strong military, and a call of the time to realize the Chinese dream as well as a strong military dream. 国家主席习近平指出,深化国防和军队改革是实现中国梦、强军梦的时代要求,是强军兴军的必由之路,也是决定军队未来的关键一招。 ➤习近平强调,要动员全军和各方面力量(call on the military and related sectors),全面实施改革强军战略(the strategy of strengthening the military through reforms)。 ➤深化国防和军队改革(deepen defense and military reforms)要着力解决体制性障碍、结构性矛盾、政策性问题(break down systematic, structural and policy barriers); ➤推进军队组织形态现代化(modernize the organization of the military),进一步解放和发展战斗力、进一步解放和增强军队活力(further unleash the combat capacity and vigor of the military); ➤建设同我国国际地位相称、同国家安全和发展利益相适应的巩固国防和强大军队(build a firm defense and strong military commensurate with Chinas international standing and interests in security and development)。 中央军事委员会(军委) the Central Military Co


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