民航专业英语unit 2 Travel documents幻灯片.ppt

民航专业英语unit 2 Travel documents幻灯片.ppt

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民航专业英语unit 2 Travel documents幻灯片

Unit 2 Travel Documents Types of travel ◆geographically 按地理标准: travel abroad 国际旅游 travel at home 国内旅游 ◆format 按组织形式: tour groups 团队旅游 fragment (individual) travelers 散客旅游 Purposes of travel 观光旅游 travel for sightseeing 休闲旅游 travel for leisure 蜜月旅游 travel for honeymoon 商务旅游 travel for business 宗教旅游 travel for religion 购物旅游 travel for shopping Basic elements of modern travel activities 旅游者(travelers) 旅游资源(travel resources) 旅行社(travel agency) 住宿业(hotel) 交通运输业(transportation) 1. If you want to go traveling, where are you going? 2. How are you going there? 3. Who will you go with? Means of transportation What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transport you will use?Which comes first or tell me your order ? A Cost(花费) B Safety(安全) c Comfort (舒适) D Quickness e Convenience (方便) Things to take What to take? What to take? ID card Cellphone Money /Cash Sun glasses Umbrella Sun cream Hat/clothes Health certificate Passport Visa Text 1. What does a pregnant woman take with her? --- The doctors approval. 2. What is the function of the visa? --- A visa indicates that holder has been granted authority to enter or re-enter the country. 3. Why do many countries require a valid international certificate of vaccination from the foreign passengers? --- They do this in case that some international passengers carry some contagious disease to their country. Retell the text. Tips: When travelling....travel documents. A pregnant woman. Passport....visa. Entry visa.....the period of validity.... deportation A valid international certificate of vaccination Specify 1. V-T If you specify something, you give information about what is required or should happen in a certain situation. 明确要求 例: They specified a spacious entrance hall. 他们明确要求门厅一定要宽敞 2. V-T If you specify what should happen or be done, you explain


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