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??Ernest Hemingway (1899—1961) 1899-1961 Oak Park, IllinoisSecond child in a family of six Hunting and fishingYoung Hemingway fishing in Michigan in 1904 Reporter in the Kansas City Star newspaper Red Cross volunteerWounded Decorated by the Italian government Ernest Hemingway as an American Red Cross volunteer in Italy, 1918Ernest Hemingway and Hadley Hemingway in Switzerland, 1922Marriage Paris, FranceTravel EuropeIn Our Time The Sun Also RisesNobel Prize Winner in 1954To avoid the use of adjectives , esp. such extravagant ones as splendid, gorgeous, grand, magnificent etc.Attained the preferences for short sentences, short first paragraphs and vigorous EnglishThe Sun Also Rises (1926)Jake Barnes Robert Cohn Brett Ashley.Spanish Civil War World War The Pulitzer Prize in 1953 The Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954Commit Suicide in 1961In Our Time 《在我们的时代里》 1925The Sun Also Rises 《太阳照样升起》 1926A Farewell To Arms 《永别了,武器》1929 For Whom the Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》1940The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》1952Men Without Women 《没有女人的男人》 Green Hills of Africa 《非洲的青山》Across the River and Into the Trees《过河入林》A Clean, Well-Lighted Place《一个清洁、明亮的地方》 A Days Wait 《一天的等待》 Garden Of Eden 《伊甸园》The Snows of Kilimanjaro 《乞力马扎罗的雪》The Fifth Column《第五纵队》The Killers 《杀人者》. In Our Time (1925)Hemingways first book of stories The effect of war on a young man The Sun Also Rises (1926)The book was an immediate success. Young Americans in Europe after World WarⅠ The Lost Generation“--a group of wandering, amusing, but aimless people, who are caught in the war and removed from the path of ordinary life. For Whom the Bell Tolls(1940)A volunteer American guerrilla fighting in the Spanish Civil War Theme--Anti-fascism His dying convinces people that life is worth living and there are causes worth dying for The Old Man and the Sea (1952)Published first in Life magazine in 1952, restored again his fame and played a huge part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature An old Cub


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