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/ 资料来源:/ If 句型 If意为如果,表示条件,if引导的句子是从句,用现在时态,主句则用将来时态。也就是所谓的“主将从现”。 If you eat less, you will be thinner. If you work hard, you will be successful. If you come to school late, your teacher will be angry with you. Think Is it easy to organize a party? If you are planning a class party now, what will you do? List some important things. . Listen and find out what they are mainly talking about. 合并句子 1. a. You think you are going to study English hard. b. You will do better in English. If you study English hard,you will do better in English 2. a. you think you are going to eat more . b. you will be fatter. If you eat more, you will be fatter. 3. a.He thinks he is going to do more exercise. b.His health will be better. If he does more exercise, his health will be better. Discussion If I eat snacks in the reading room ,the assistant will stop me. If I talk on the phone in the reading room, the others will be mad. If I smoke in the reading room, the assistant must ask me to go away . Summary 从句 主句 If you are late, you will say sorry. If he eats more, he will be fatter. If you are happy, clap your hands. If you fight at the party, you must go out. Do you want to be a professional athlete? Why or why not? 主要词汇 1. worry(单三)________ 2. solve(名词)__________ 3. understand (adj.) _________ 4. careful (反义词) ________ 5. scare (adj.) ___________ 6. feel (pt.) _________ 7. certain (adv) ________ 8. lose (pt.) __________ 9. half (pt.) ___________ 课文翻译 现在的学生经常有很多忧虑。有时他们担心功课,有时担心朋友。对此他们能做什么呢?一些人认为,最糟糕的是什么都不做。来自伦敦的少年劳拉米尔斯同意这点。“生活中的问题和烦恼都是正常的,”劳拉说。“但我认为与人倾诉是很有帮助的。如果我们不对人讲出来,当然我们就会感觉更糟糕。” In Paragraph 2, the writer used the story of Laura to ______. A. answer a question??????? ? B. give an example C. introduce his friend??????? D. share his experience 劳拉曾经丢失了钱包,并担心了几天。她不敢告诉她的父母。她甚至每天步行三英里去学校因为她没钱。她一直在想


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