第五单元It must belang to Carla--阅读部分.ppt

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第五单元It must belang to Carla--阅读部分

Fill in the blanks with your books closed. Strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood. Our neighborhood _______be very_____. However, these days , _______things are happening in our _____________and everyone is_________. Zhou Gu, the _____ ______ ______is extremely worried. used to quiet strange neighborhood unhappy local school teacher When he was ___________by the local newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noises ______our window. My wife thinks that it could be an_______, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers______ _____. interviewed outside animal having fun My parents called the______, but they can’t find________ ________. They think it might be the______. I don’t think so!” police anything strange wind Zhou’s _____ ______neighbor Qi Hui is ________too. “At first, I thought it _______be a dog, but I can’t see a dog and I still ____ the noises outside.” next door unhappy might hear Everyone in our neighborhood _____worried, and everyone ____his or her own ideas. There must be something _______the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? is has visiting Who built this thing? Why did they built it? Who built this thing? Why did they built it? 埃及的吉萨金字塔:不朽和永恒      吉萨金字塔是古代七大奇迹中最古老且惟一得以保存的遗迹, 它们在艺术和设计上均达到了完美的顶峰,以致没有后人能超越。 Who built this thing? Why did they built it? 位于英国南部索尔兹伯里平原上有一组充满神秘色彩的巨大石群, 这就是著名的英国史前巨石柱。 现经证实这些巨石来自英国威尔士地区, 距离索尔兹伯里平原大约240英里。 目前,科学界对史前巨石柱充满了诸多疑问, 古人类究竟通过什么方法将如此庞大的巨石搬运数百英里之外, 莫非这些巨石又是外星人的杰作?! 英国史前巨石柱:神秘和持久      英国史前巨石阵始建于公元前3000年左右, 直至1400年后才完成全部建造。 阵中的巨石每一块都重约50吨。人们至今还不清楚, 究竟是谁建造了这一奇特古迹,为什么建造了这一古迹, 但人们推测,巨石阵要么是庙宇,要么是天文台, 或者是神秘墓地。 It can’t be a temple –but it could be a calendar 1.--thousands of ------s- (from---) ---visit--- 2.---not only (one of--) but also (one of--) historians believed that Stonehenge was a temple where special priest prayed to ancient earth gods. P. S. “because those priests didn’t arrive in England until a few hundred years BC.” Stonehenge was built many, many centuries earli


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