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斜拉桥施工方案设计 Design of cable-stayed bridges construction plan 2010 届 土木工程 系 专 业 土木工程 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 摘要:本文全面介绍了施工bstract: Bridge, also known as cable-stayed bridge, is a kind of one or more of the composition of the main tower and cable to support the bridge deck. By the pressure of the tower, by pulling the cable and the combination of bending of beams in a structural system together. The buttress can be seen as multi-span cable instead of elastic support beam. The moment the body can reduce the beam and reduce the building height, reduced structural weight, saving material. Bridge from the tower, the main girder, cable-stayed composed. Can be divided into two categories: parallel connection type, connection type radiation. ???? This comprehensive introduction to steel truss bridge construction plan, the overall construction of cable-stayed steel truss bridge and ancillary works program with the construction technology program, cap and tie beam construction technology program, the main tower and the pier side of the construction technology program , steel truss girder and cable construction technology programs and bored pile construction technology program. Since the bridge was built in rivers, on the basis of construction in the cofferdam to use arms and bored piles. 目录 第1章 绪论 3 1.1.斜拉桥的基础知识 4 1.1.1定义 4 1.1.2斜拉桥的结构特点 4 1.1.3斜拉桥的机构概述 4 1.2.斜拉桥施工工艺概述 5 1.2.1现浇工艺 5 1.2.2短平台复合型牵索挂篮施工: 6 1.2.3钢主梁悬拼施工法 7 1.2.4拉索施工工艺 8 1.3斜拉桥的发展现状和现在国内外比较典型的斜拉桥实例 8 1.3.1斜拉桥的发展现状 8 1.3.2斜拉桥-世界十大斜拉桥 8 1.3.3斜拉桥-使用中的斜拉挢 9 1.3.4斜拉桥-兴建中或规划中的斜拉挢 10 第2章.概述 11 2.1工程概况 11 2.1.1桥梁布置情况 11 2.1.2主要建筑材料 11 2.1.3主要构造 11 2.1.4 主要工程数量 13 2.2钢桁斜拉桥施工重难点分析 13 2.2.1大直径深水超长桩基础是本工程施工的重难点之一。 13 2.2.2水中承台及大体积混凝土浇注。 13 2.2.3材料的选用 14 2.2.4工期 14 2.3 总体施工方案 14 2.3.1 钻孔桩施工技术方案 14 2.3.2承台及系梁施工技术方案 14 2.3.3主塔和边墩身施工技术方案 14 2.3.4钢桁梁和斜拉索施工技术方案 15 2.3.5桥面及附属工程施工技术方案 15 第3章 主要分项工程施工方案 15 3.1基桩施工方案 15


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