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新生代农民工就业保障制度探析 ——以四川省为例 Study on the Employment Security system of the New Generation of Migrant Workers:Taking Sichuan Province for Example 关键词:新生代农民工 就业保障 制度 Abstract The new generation of migrant workers are product of the urbanized and industrialized process of our country, which is the special colony in the city. They regard non-agricultural income as the main source, but see and remain peasants from identity of the household register. This text surveys the new generation of migrant workers in Sichuan Province, and has announced the current situation and characteristics of their employment, Investigation shows that the new generation of migrant workers have problem of unemployment too, and have more severe unemployment than urbanite have. The new generation of migrant workers work unstably is the city, and the rate of unemployment is high. The new generation of migrant workers do not leave the city and not get back to the countryside after their unemployment like what people imagined, but held up in the edge of the city. Because there is no social security, life is quite difficult, Enormous existent pressure and the social discrimination, is extremely apt to cause the mistake of their thought and behavior, to produce the abominable social influence. Setting up and improving the employment security of the new generation of migrant workers has great meanings. To set up the new generation of migrant workers’ employment security system, help to maintain the new generation of migrant workers’ rights and interests, realize the fairness of the social security; Help to safeguard social stability and development; Help to quicken the development of rural economy and narrow the disparity in urban and rural areas. However, the business of building the employment security of the new generation of migrant workers seems unusually unconvincing. There is no rational, intact designing for security project and unemployment system of the new generation of migrant workers;


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