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被动语态考点; 被动语态的考点:看起来是被动的而要用主动来表示 1. read ,sell, write, last, dry, tear ,digest,draw等动词,在表示主语的某种特性时 sell well(畅销,好卖), break easily(容易断) , tear easily(容易破) , write well(好写), read well(好读), dry easily(容易干), wash well( 好洗), last well(耐穿),… 1)His books sell well 2)Paper tears easily in wet weather. 3)This kind of jeans lasts well. 4)My pen writes well. 5)The poem by him reads well.(他写的诗好读);2.prove(证明,证实) 作“证实”时可以用于被动语态;作“证明”时不用于被动语态(但在阅读中我们也会见到用被动的情况) 1) His theory was proved last year. ( 他的理论去年得到了证实) 2) Your answer proved (to be) right. (你的答案证明是对的) 3) You prove (to be) an honest man. (你证明是个诚实的人) ; 3.want/need/require(需要 ) 谓语动词是“需要”,后面跟动词作宾语且与句子主语是逻辑上的动宾关系,要么用doing,要么用to be done 1)Our classroom needs cleaning/to be cleaned every day. (我们教室需要每天打扫) 2)The old man wants looking after/to be looked after. (这位老人需要照顾) 3) Your hair requires cutting/to be cut. (你的头发需要理了) Poisonous water is poured into rivers without treated. What prevented him from taken to the hospital? His punished made the others frightened. ;4.worth /worthy( 值得的) be worth doing (……值得做)/ be well worth doing(……很值得做) 1)The book is worth reading.(这本书值得读) 2)The TV play by him is well worth watching. ( 他演的电视剧很值得看) be worthy to be done/be worthy of being done(……值得做) 1)The book is worthy to be read. 2)The book is worthy of being read. worthwhile(值得的) 1)It’s worthwhile doing/to do sth.(做某事值得) It’s worthwhile watching TV/to watch TV.(看电视值得) 2)It’s worth one’s while to do sth.(某人做某事值得) It’s worth your while to watch TV.(你看电视值得);6.look(看起来) ,taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), feel(摸起来) 三个注意点: a.后面跟形容词作表语 b.看起来时正在进行的动作而要用一般时 c.看起来是被动的动作要用主动来表示 1)Her voice sounds beautiful.(她声音听起来美) 2)The dish tastes bitter.(这道菜尝起来苦) 3)The flower smells sweet.(这花闻起来有芬芳味) 4)The board feels smooth.(这板子摸起来光滑) 5)He looks pale.(他看起来脸色苍白) ;7.不定式作定语的三种情况 1)当前面的名词和不定式是逻辑上的主谓关系时用主动式 They made some candl


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