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43号 中文题目:浅析《永别了,武器》中主人公 亨利的人生态度 外文题目:On Henry’s Attitude towards Life In A Farewell to Arms 自 考 论 文 考生姓名:蒋利利 考生联系方式考生邮寄地址:重庆教育学院外文系08级英教1班 考生邮编:400067 指导老师:杨跃华 指导老师电话论文截稿日期: 四 川 外 语 学 院 自 考 办 交稿时间 年 月 日 On Henry’s Attitude towards Life in A Farewell to Arms Outline Thesis Statement: In the World War I, Henry, a young American who bravely joined the army to become an ambulance driver in Austrian battlefield, faced many difficulties during the war, which changed his attitude toward life. Introduction A. Introduction of Ernest Hemingway B. Introduction of the Novel I. Analysis of the Main Character Henry A. Creation of Henry B. Henry’s Personality C. Henry’s Pessimism Π. Analysis of Henrys Overall Attitudes A. Love Attitude B. War Attitude Ш. The Ending and Significance Conclusion Notes Bibliography Introduction Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous novelists in the history of western literature.His rich and various experience helped him create many great works of human history:The Sun Also Rises,A Farewell to ArmsFor Whom the Bell Tolls,and The Old Man and the Sea.The heroes in these novels behave in very different ways.The complete crowd of characters,with Hemingway himself as the prototype,indicates the different development process of Hemingway himself. Hemingway forms his own unique writing contents and principles gradually, and his creation of characters is even more typical. ‘‘Hemingway’s code hero’’.‘‘lost generation” embody the unique personality fascination.His distinctive writing technique has profound influence on modem American and English literature and his unique style makes him stand out as one of the great masters of modem literature. A Farewell to Arms is his famous antiwar novel,which is his representative work in his early literary career.It deals with the imperialist War and its eternal impact upon the younger generation both physically and psychologically.Since the novel came out in 192


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