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----You think you kown something about love.What about your father’s love?What about the love for your country? ----Littler brother.Have you ever killed a man? Ever seen a man die in combat? * 在古希腊时代,特洛伊的王子帕里斯(奥兰多?布鲁姆饰)与斯巴达国王(布兰登?格雷森饰)的妻子海伦(黛安?克鲁格)一见钟情,他们之间的爱情让斯巴达国王遭受到了耻辱,发动了特洛伊战争。而这场战争的灵魂人物,则是勇士阿喀琉斯(布拉德?皮特饰)。阿喀琉斯所向披靡,他为了荣誉而加入了攻打特洛伊,但是他的命运又对他开了个玩笑,他能最终会怎样呢?当斯巴达的军队久攻不下最终撤回时,这场战争其实才刚刚开始……? I’m not afraid of dying. I’m afraid of tomorrow. I’m afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you’ll never come back. If you come, we’ll never be safe. Men will hunt us, the gods will curse us. But I’ll love you. Till the day they burn my body…I will love you. 这是一个美丽的爱情故事, 错误 的时间的相遇,美丽的错误。但是 爱了就是爱了,我们还能说什么呢? You say you want to die for love. You know nothing about dying.And you know nothing about love! Littler brother. Have you ever killed a man? No! Ever seen a man die in combat? No ! ----I’ve killed men,and I’ve heard them dying.And I’watched them dying. And there is nothing glorious about it.Nothing poetic. You say you want to die for love. You know nothing about dying.And you know nothing about love! 一个兄长对弟弟的谆谆教诲,告诉他知道什么是死亡, 什么是真正的爱。 If you stay in there, you will find peace, you will find a wonderful woman. You will have sons and daughters, and they will have children. And they will love you. When you are gone, they will remember you. But when your children are dead and their children after them, you name will be lost. If you go to Troy, glory will be yours, they will write stories about your victories for thousands of years. The world will remember your name. but if go to Troy… you will never come home. For your glory walks hand in hand with your doom. And I shall never see you again. Achilles的妈妈,传说中的女神,其实不过是个在溪中寻找贝壳为儿子穿成项链祈福的女人——和千千万万的母亲一样;她看得清孩子的命运,却无法阻止他fight for love的脚步。 I have endured what no one on earth have endured before.I kissed the hands of the man who killed my son. How many cousins have you killed?How many sons and fathers and brothers and husb


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