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电动汽车锂电池组温度场数值模拟及结构优化 前沿论文
电动汽车锂电池组温度场数值模拟及结构 优化
5 (重庆大学 机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆 400044) 摘要:建立了电动汽车锂离子电池组的三维散热模型。使用 FLUENT 软件对电动汽车匀速 行驶且自然风冷时锂离子电池组的温度场进行了数值模拟,并进行了电池组的温度场测试, 结果表明模拟结果与测试结果具有较好的一致性,从而表明所建温度场模型的合理性。在此 基础上,提出了锂离子电池组散热系统的优化方案并进行了数值模拟,结果表明优化方案可
10 实现锂离子电池组的良好散热,使温升和电池之间的温差有效降低,从而满足纯电动汽车对 电池组的使用要求。
中图分类号:U469.7 文献标志码:A
15 Numerical simulation of temperature field on Lithium-ion
Battery Packs in Electric Vehicle and its Structural
Liu Zhenjun, Lin Guofa, Hu Minghui
(State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044)
20 Abstract: A three-dimensional , transient heat dissipation model was built for Lithium-ion battery package in Electric Vehicle(EV).With the help of the FLUENT software, the model is applied to
simulate numerically flow field and temperature field of the Lithium-ion battery packages when Electric Vehicle works under the uniform speed and natural air cooling situation .A temperature measurement experiment of the battery package with uniform speed and the simulation results
25 consist well with the experimental data, which confirms the rationality of the model of the flow field and temperature field. An optimal scheme of heat dissipation is proposed and its simulation results of thermal performance are obtained. It indicates that the optimal scheme improves the thermal performance and decreases the temperature rise and temperature disuniformity among the batteries effectively, thus show that the optimal heat dissipation scheme of the battery package can
30 satisfy the application requirements in EV.
Key words: Electric Vehicles;natural cooling;lithium-ion battery;temperature field;FLUENT
0 引言
35 车的开发已受到世界范围内各国政府和各大汽车公司的高度重视 [1]。其中电动汽车(EV) 已成为主要的发展方向。电池是电动汽车的核心部件之一。而锂离子电池因具有电压高、比 能量高、比功率大、循环性能好、自放电低等优点成为电动汽车和混合动力汽车的主导电源。 但锂离子电池在充放电过程中产生大量的热量会导致电池内部温度升高及单体电池之间温 度不均匀,造成电池性能不稳定,严重时甚至影响到电池的使用安全及寿命。因此电池组的
40 散热及温度控制是保证电池性能的关键。目前车上电池组散热一般采用风机抽吸式冷却结构