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Advanced IELTS Reading Course;雅思阅读的简单介绍; 文章类型:Economics ,education, science (astronomy oceanography), environment, geology, plants animals linguistics, architecture, archaeology 文章来源:Economist, Financial Times, Guardian, National Geographic, New Scientist;Question Types;Scoring Criteria;6.0分 x 4 = 24 分 = 6+6+6+6 6.5分 x 4 = 26 分 = 6+6+7+7 23分 / 4 =5.75 =6.0分 23分 =6+6+6+5 =6+6+5.5+5.5 25分 / 4=6.25分=6.5分 25分 =6+6+6+7 =6+6+6.5+6.5 ;Why Chinese often fail in IELTS reading?;Australia has been unusual in the Western World in having a very conservative attitude to natural or alternative therapies, according to Dr. Paul Laver, a lecturer in Public Health at the University of Sydney. How Australian doctors differ from those in western countries? A. they have worked closely with companies B. they have often worked alongside other therapies. C. they have been reluctant to accept alternative therapies. D. they have regularly prescribed alternative remedies. ;;过去背单词:难以背全,认真看每个词,写写画画,一天 50个,边背边忘。 短期。不间断。重复的看。;D1~10:只看单词样子,中文意思,平均6秒一个。 D11~12:盖住意思,检测,划去认识的,标记陌生的。 D13~15:没做记号的快速过,标记的多花时间。 D16~18:适当看一看例句。 D19~23:冲刺,全部重复看。;Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to hunger may be very hard for some countries, but in Britain, where the immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the cost and the damage of intensive farming have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible. ;取舍有道;General Reading Skills;Skimming;Range ;;Question ;哪些词可做定位词?;哪些词不能用来定位?;1. There was strong competition between scientists and others in Renaissance Europe. Johnson’s dictionary 2. In 1764, Dr. Johnson accepted the contract to produce a dictionary.; 3. Despite the 1990s Asian economic crisis, Asian students Still dominate the English language classrooms of Australia and New Zealand. ;Scanning;;Reading Intensively;;Exercise


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