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网络团购的现状与发展趋势分析 摘要 自从1998年美国出现第一个B2C网络团购网站Mobshop以来,网络团购正以其独有的优势逐步在全球各地发展起来。国外的网络团购在经历了一连串的模式创新和淘汰后,出现了相对成功的固化了的网络团购模式。而在我国,网络团购兴起的时间虽然比国外晚,但其发展却势如破竹。网络团购在为国内市场带来发展契机的同时,其自身由于发展不成熟也产生了众多问题。 本文在阐明了网络团购等相关概念的基础上,通过对网络团购的电子商务模式、消费群体及流程的分析,引出网络团购的发展现状及缺陷。随后本文透过对现状和缺陷的剖析,提出了网络团购发展的完善之策,并对完善之策的市场营销策略部分进行了着重分析。最后本文在综合考虑这些影响因素的共同作用下,分别从团购企业、消费者及团购的产品和服务的角度,对网络团购的发展趋势进行了预测。 关键词:网络团购、市场营销策略、发展趋势 Design Description Since the 1998 Buy Network appear first B2C network, network since Mobshop jan.7 to stand by its unique advantage is gradually developed in the world. International Internet 43,200 experienced in the series of pattern innovation and eliminated after, appeared relatively successful solidified network 43,200 mode. But in our country, the time although network 43,200 rise than foreign late, but its development is until. Network for the domestic market jan.7 bring development opportunities at the same time, its own because development is not mature also produced many problems. This paper illustrates the network in the related concept jan.7 basis, through network 43,200 mode of electronic business affairs, consumer groups and process analysis, leads the development situation and network 43,200 defects. Then this paper through the analysis of the present situation and defects, and puts forward the development of network for team, and to perfect the market for perfecting of the marketing strategy part emphatically analyzed. Finally based on comprehensive considering these factors under the common function of enterprise and, separately from jan.7 consumer and a bulk products and services of Angle, to network a bulk development trend was predicted. Keywords: network buy, marketing strategy, trends 目 录 1 网络团购的研究背景 6 1.1 网络团购的概念 6 1.2 网络团购的电子商务模式分析 6 1.3 网络团购的消费群体分析 7 1.4 网络团购的流程 9 2 网络团购的现状 9 2.1 网络团购的特点 9 2.2 网络团购的缺陷 11 3 网络团购的完善之策 13 3.1 网络团购的市场营销策略 13 3.2加大技术监控力度 18 4 网络团购的发展趋势 19 4.1团购企业面临优胜劣汰 19 4.2 团购将成为当地用户消费的“风向标” 19 4.3 跨区域合作采购机制实现 20 4.4 “消费者主权时代”到来 20 4.5 拓宽目标用户


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