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Chapter 10 – Organizational Structure and Design True/False Questions A MANAGER’S DILEMMA 1. According to the boxed feature, “A Manager’s Dilemma,” Nokia was once involved in industries ranging from paper to chemicals and rubber. True (moderate) 2. According to the boxed feature, “A Manager’s Dilemma,” Nokia has been competing in the telecommunications industry since 1965. False (moderate) DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 3. Organizational design is the organizations formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated. False (difficult) 4. The concept of work specialization can be traced back a couple of centuries to Adam Smiths discussion of division of labor. True (moderate) 5. The degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs is division of labor. True (moderate) 6. Historically, many organizations have grouped work actions by function departmentalization. True (moderate) 7. Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow is termed customer departmentalization. False (moderate) 8. Geographic departmentalization has greatly increased in importance as a result of today’s competitive business environment False (moderate) 9. A group of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together is a cross-functional team. True (moderate) 10. Authority is the individuals capacity to influence decisions. False (difficult) 11. Authority is synonymous with responsibility. False (easy) 12. Responsibility is the rights inherent in a managerial position. False (easy) 13. A managers span of control refers to the number of subordinates who can be effectively and efficiently supervised. True (moderate) 14. The classical view of unity of command suggests that subordinates should have only one superior to whom they report. True (easy) 15. The trend in recent years has been toward smaller spans of control. False (easy) 16. When decisions tend to be made at lower levels in an organ


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