英语专业 本科毕业论文 美国文化.doc

英语专业 本科毕业论文 美国文化.doc

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英语专业 本科毕业论文 美国文化

摘要 关键词:华工;经济发展;社会发展;贡献 ABSTRCT Todays Chinese Americans work in many occupations and professions. From the Chinatowns in large cities and small towns where Chinese storekeepers and laborers had settled. the earlier generations of Chinese Americans lived a miserable and humble life, they made great contributions to the United States. This paper is mainly concerned with the contributions of Chinese Americans to early economic and social development of the United States.It contains four parts in total. First,it will introduce the background of Chinese immigrants. After the 1849 discovery of gold in California, the first wave of Chinese immigrants started coming to California. The forces that drove thousands of Chinese to California were the direct result of the imperialist plunder and domination of China. The second and third parts mainly deal with the contributions of Chinese Americans to early economic and social development of the United States. A transcontinental railroad was needed to move more people west and natural resources safely and profitably to major markets back in the east. The population of Chinese labors who went to America for making a living increased year by year. It played an important role in promoting the development of America’s mineral mining, railway construction, agriculture as well as some other light industry such as fish - shrimp, cigarette manufacturing, wool spinning and so on; Chinese food was brought to America, Chinese herbal medicine was used widely. It also made a remarkable contribution in the full-scale development of America in the later period of 19th century. Lastly, American western development is one of the most important components in its capitalist economic development.The historical facts can not be denied.Chinese American’contributions to the economic development in the United States are undeniable. Keywords : Chinese labors; economic development; social development;contribution contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The cont


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