北师大珠海分校金融学专业课程 英文版教材 行为金融学6至10章课后答案.doc

北师大珠海分校金融学专业课程 英文版教材 行为金融学6至10章课后答案.doc

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北师大珠海分校金融学专业课程 英文版教材 行为金融学6至10章课后答案

Chapter6 miscalibration : is the tendency for people to overestimate the precision of their knowledge.标准误差是人们高估自己知识精确度的一种趋势。 excessive optimism : people’s predictions about the future are unrealistically optimistic.过度乐观:人们对于将来的预测是不切实际的乐观。 better-than average effect: Better-than-average effect says that many of us feel we are smarter or more skilled than average. 好过平均水平效应:我们大多数人都认为自己的智慧或技能比平均水平要好。 Illusion of control: people think that they have more control over events than objectively can be true.控制幻想:人们认为他们有比实际更大的支配事物的能力。 self-attribution bias: the tendency for people to attribute successes or good outcomes to their own abilities , while blaming failures on circumstances beyond their control , can lead to an increase in overconfidence .自我归因偏见:人们通常把成功或好的结果归功于自己的能力,而把失败归咎于自己控制之外的环境。 Confirmation bias: the tendency to search out evidence consistence with one’s prior beliefs and to ignore conflicting data. 证实偏差:是指当人们确立了某一个信念或观点时,在收集信息和分析信息的过程中,他们有一种寻找支持这个信念的证据的倾向,也就是说他们会很容易接受支持这个信念的信息,而忽略否定这个信念的信息。甚至还会花费更多的时间和认知资源贬低与他们的看法相左的观点。是Chapter7 1、 IQ and EQ: 智商,是人们认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的能力。与智商相对应的概念。它主要是指人在情绪、情感、意志、耐受挫折等方面的品质。Mood and Emotion: An emotion is about something, whereas a mood is a general feeling that does not focus on anything in particular. Mood 是本能的,而emotion是非本能的。 Human brain and the brain of other animal: The cerebrum is what distinguishes the human brain from those of other vertebrate animals. The ability to plan for the future is critical to the advancement of the human species. Phineas Gage and Elliot: yes , I agree. emotional intelligence reflect a person’s ability to identify and manage their own emotional responses, as well as those of others. Emotion allow us to make quick, appropriate, and rational responses to stimuli, including such divergent situations as a dangerous encounter or a financial decision. A person’s success is dependent on his emotional intelligence, in addition to his intelligence quotient. So emotional intelligence may be just as importa


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