
THE SNOW QUEEN 白雪皇后 中英文对照.doc

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THE SNOW QUEEN 白雪皇后 中英文对照

这篇故事收集在《新的童话》里,整个情节像一首诗——一首歌颂天真无邪、纯洁感情的诗。诗中的主人公小女孩格尔达有点像《野天鹅》中的小妹妹艾丽莎,她用她坚强的毅力和纯真的感情,冲破一切艰难险阻,终于战胜了重重困难,使她亲爱的朋友小小的加伊得救。她的这种力量是从哪里来的呢?没有任何人“能给她比她现在所有的力量更大的力量:你没有看出这力量是怎样大吗?……她的力量就在她的心里;她是一个天真可爱的孩子——这就是她的力量。如果她自己不能到白雪皇后那儿,把玻璃碎片从小小的加伊身上取出来,那么我们也没有办法帮助她!”小小格尔达有这种力量,但得自己去发挥,自己去奋斗。这就是这个故事所给予人们的启示。据说这篇故事与安徒生和瑞典著名的女歌唱家珍妮的关系有关。他年轻时曾经以极纯真的感情崇爱过她。但他却没有得到小小的格尔达所得到的那样的结果:珍妮告诉他,他们之间的感情是兄妹之间的感情,而不是其他。 THE SNOW QUEEN 白雪皇后 FIRST STORY. Which Treats of a Mirror and of the SplintersNow then, let us begin. When we are at the end of the story, we shall knowmore than we know now: but to begin. Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievousof all sprites. One day he was in a very good humor, for he had made a mirrorwith the power of causing all that was good and beautiful when it wasreflected therein, to look poor and mean; but that which was good-for-nothingand looked ugly was shown magnified and increased in ugliness. In this mirrorthe most beautiful landscapes looked like boiled spinach, and the best personswere turned into frights, or appeared to stand on their heads; their faceswere so distorted that they were not to be recognised; and if anyone had amole, you might be sure that it would be magnified and spread over both noseand mouth. Thats glorious fun! said the sprite. If a good thought passed through amans mind, then a grin was seen in the mirror, and the sprite laughedheartily at his clever discovery. All the little sprites who went to hisschool--for he kept a sprite school--told each other that a miracle hadhappened; and that now only, as they thought, it would be possible to see howthe world really looked. They ran about with the mirror; and at last there wasnot a land or a person who was not represented distorted in the mirror. Sothen they thought they would fly up to the sky, and have a joke there. Thehigher they flew with the mirror, the more terribly it grinned: they couldhardly hold it fast. Higher and higher still they flew, nearer and n


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