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论中外经典建筑对现代建筑的影响 环境艺术设计专业本科 学生姓名: 学号: 指导老师: 专业:环境艺术设计 年级:09级艺术系 学校:河南理工大学 论中外经典建筑对现代建筑的影响 摘要:建筑是人类的奇妙活动之一,也是我们尝试建立次序以理解这个混乱而又魅力无穷的世界的方法之一。建筑为我们提供遮蔽的场所,我们在其中生活和工作。不管是最谦卑微小的建筑,还是最豪华壮丽的建筑,它们产生都同样令人鼓舞:楼梯的转弯、阳光掠过窗户在地板上投下的梦幻般的图案、夏日炎炎里触手可及的凉意顿生的建材、拱券的韵律、穹顶饱满风韵的特征,等等。好的建筑绝不仅仅是构筑物,它可以使我们的精神得到升华,让我们为之震颤。中国古代建筑的形成和发展具有悠久的历史。由于幅员辽阔,各处的气候,人文,地质等条件各不相同,而形成了了中国各具特色的建筑风格,尤其民居形式更为丰富多彩。如南方的干阑式建筑,西北的窑洞建筑,游牧民族的毡包建筑,北方的四合院建筑等。欧美近现代建筑历史是从挣脱古代希腊、古代罗马、文艺复兴风格为代表的欧美古典主义、中世纪的哥特风个以及形形色色传统复兴的束缚开始的,最终在20世纪20—30年代形成了一场 被称为现代建筑运动的狂飙突进式的建筑革命。 关键词:建筑,经典,中国建筑,现代建筑, Theory of modern Chinese and foreign architectural construction influence Abstract: the architecture is the wonderful human activities, and also one of us try to establish the order to understand the confusion and infinite charm of the world one of the methods. We provide shelter for building the place in which we live and work. No matter the most humble of tiny, is still the most magnificent building buildings, they produce are also encouraging: the stairs, past the window of the turning sunlight in the floor cast fantastic design, in the summer heat the reach of building materials, GongQuan composer cool the rhythm of the dome, the characteristics of the full charm, and so on. Good construction is not only structures, it can make our spirit, let us get distillation of the tremor. Chinas ancient buildings on the formation and development of the has a long history. Because the climate of a vast, everywhere, the humanities, geological conditions such as each are not identical, and the formation of China it unique architectural style, especially residential form is more rich and colorful. If south is the first of the building, northwest caves building, nomads, felt bag, in the north of courtyard building construction, etc. Europe and the history of modern architecture from ancient Greece, break free



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