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从迪士尼动画《花木兰》看中西文化差异 Chinese and American Cultural Differences Seen from the Disney Movie Mulan Abstract: Movie, as a form of art, embodying abundant cultural elements, goes beyond pure entertainment and profit. The culture of a nation can be portrayed vividly in its movie. In the year 1998, Chinese popular ballad The Mulan Ballad was shot by American Disney Company as a cartoon Mulan, which gained great success in the world. Although the movie was taken from Chinese ancient story, it was tinted with American culture. Taking American Disney Movie Mulan as an object of research, this paper intends to compare Chinese and American cultural differences from three aspects, tradition vs. freedom, family priority vs. individual priority and gender discrimination vs. feminism. Meanwhile, it is hoped that it may arouse people’s cultural sensitivity and enrich their knowledge of other cultures when they enjoy movies, which would ensure the effectiveness of intercultural communication. Key words: The Mulan Ballad; Disney Mulan; Chinese and American cultural differences 摘 要: 电影,作为一种艺术形式,并不是一种纯娱乐、纯商业的行为,其内包含了丰富的文化内容。一个国家、一个民族的文化都可以在它的电影中得到淋漓尽致的体现。1998年,美国迪士尼公司制作发行动画片《木兰》,用美国人的眼光审视了这个古老的东方故事,以美国人的文化取向对中国乐府诗《木兰辞》原有的精神内核进行了文化转移,并在全球赢得票房佳绩。本文以动画片《木兰》为研究对象,拟从三个角度,即传统与自由,家族至上与个人至上,“男尊女卑”等级思想与女权主义思想等,对比分析电影中体现出来的中美文化差异。同时,试图激发人们欣赏电影时的文化敏感度,增强人们对异文化的认识与了解,从而保障跨文化交际能够有效进行。 关键词:《木兰辞》;迪士尼《木兰》;中美文化差异 Contents Introduction………………………………………………………….1 II. Literature Review……………………………………………………2 A. Hua Mulan in Chinese folk tale …………...........................................2 B. Hua Mulan in The Women Warrior and Disney Movie Mulan…………..3 III. Culture and Film …………………………………………………...4 A. Definition of culture………………………………………………...4 B. The relationship between culture and film………………………….5 Ⅳ. Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American Cultural Differences Reflected from the Disney Movie Mulan……………5 Tradition vs. freedom ……………………………………………...5 Family priority vs. individual priority………………………………7 Gende


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