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摘 要 本次毕业设计的题目是加工中心自动换刀系统设计,加工中心作为新时代数控机床的代表,已在机床领域广泛使用,自动换刀系统作为加工和中心最重要的部分之一,它的发展也直接决定了加工中心的发展。自动换刀系统解决了工件一次装夹后多工序连续加工中,工序与工序间的刀具自动更换任务,实现了一次装夹完成多种加工。本论文主要介绍的是加工中心自动换刀系统的整体设计过程,设计过程共分为以下几大部分: 一、机械结构部分。自动换刀系统机械结构的设计与计算,主要分为两大部分,刀库部分和机械手部分。这一部分分别介绍了传动机构的工作原理、选型计算、校核等,如轴类零件、蜗轮蜗杆副、齿轮、花键、电机等。 二、气压部分。气压部分主要包括气压系统的整体设计与气压元件的选用和计算。整体设计包括气压系统原理图的绘制,气压回路的构成;气压原件的选择主要为气压缸、气压泵和各种阀类元件。 三、控制部分。其中包括了控制器的选用、控制流程图的绘制、硬件电路图的绘制、控制程序的编写。 通过分析加工中心的整体结构和自动换刀系统的特点、应用条件,设计要求等,并结合在数控机床上对刀库和换刀机械手的需要,实现了自动换刀系统灵活换刀、快速换刀的目的。 关键词:加工,中心刀库,机械手 Abstract The graduation design topic is processing center for ATC system design.As the new times representative of numerical control machines, automatic processing center had been widely used in the fields all over the world. As the most important parts of processing center, the development of ATC system had point out the development direction of the center.The ATC system had solved the program of milling cutter change between procedure. The system realize many kinds of machining one time.This thesis mainly introduces the design process of processing center for ATC system The design process is divided into the following section Part 1 Mechanism system The mechanical design and structure of ATC system had been is divided into two point: magazine tool and manipulator. This part had introduced the principle, model selection ,checking and so on .For instance ,the component of axle, turbine, spline and the dynamo. Part 2 Pressure system This part contain the overall design, and pneumatic components of the selection and calculation, the overall design contain how to drawn up the diagram of Pressure system ,the compose of Pressure system and choice of air lift pump , pneumatic cylinder and many kinds of element Part 3 Control system This part account for the choice of controller , how to drawn up the flow chart , how to drawn up diagram and write script By analyzing the overall of processing center of ATC system structure, automatic system features and conditions,


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