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唐代的妇女参政 摘 要:在中国妇女史上,唐朝时期的女性参政因为其时间长、人数多、范围广、影响大而引人瞩目,这些特点都是当时社会政治、经济与文化发展到一定历史阶段的必然结果。在此期间不仅出现了中国历史上唯一的女主——武则天,而且在她之前与身后,女性参政议政屡见不鲜,甚至蔚然成风,造成这种情况出现的原因主要有:这一时期的民间深染胡俗,女性多性格刚强,自北朝起就有女性参政的记载,一直延续到唐代;唐代女性社会地位和作用的提高使妇女可以接受更高的教育,使得自身的文化素质得以提高并得到社会的认可;唐朝前期的社会风气很是开放,女性受到的约束较以前有所放松,女性意识得以大幅度的彰显,妇女参政意识复苏并日渐强烈;女官制度也为妇女参政提供了条件。同时唐代妇女参政也给社会造成了深刻的影响。 关键词:唐代;妇女参政;女官 Tang Dynasty womens political participation Abstract: Chinese women in the history of the Tang dynasty period of female participation in politics because of its long duration and the number, scope and impact of large and eye-catching, these features are then socio-political, economic and cultural development to a certain historical stage of the inevitable result. During this period not only in the history of Chinas only Female emperor - Wu Zetian and her before and behind, often female participation in politics, or even common practice to such a situation the main reasons are: During this period of civil deep into Hu vulgar, women and more forceful personality, since the Northern Dynasties have women in politics since the records, has been extended to the Tang Dynasty; Tang Dynasty womens social status and enhance the role of women can accept a higher education, makes its own culture and to improve the quality of the communitys recognition of the early Tang dynasty was very open society, women are bound to relax than in the past , Awareness of women to highlight the large, women in politics and increasingly strong sense of recovery; female officer for the system to provide the conditions for women in politics. At the same time the Tang Dynasty to the society of women in politics also caused a profound effect. Keywords: Tang Dynasty; Womens political participation; Female officer 唐代是我国封建社会繁荣昌盛的时代,唐代社会又是很开放和比较宽松的社会,唐代妇女尽管承受封建宗法制度的束缚,但她们凭着自己的聪明才智和刻苦勤劳,使自己在社会上的地位和作用得到提高。特别是妇女参政现象,在唐代可谓是达到顶峰,其影响之大在我国古代封建社会是少见的。那么是什么原因造成当时女主思想的盛行?妇女参政又对唐代的社会产生怎样的影响?本文试就唐代妇女参政的原因及社会影响作简要分析。 一、女主思想盛行的原因 (一)唐代妇女地位和作用的提高 唐代妇女地位和作用的提高 ,特别是像


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